The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

He has held the tiller. He has held his nerve.

Sinn Fein were partying in Athens.

It will be. Iā€™d say most of them are delighted really. Theyā€™ll get a decent redundancy from HP with some of them probably getting up to 80 weeks pay. Take a few weeks off and spend some time with the family before taking up another form of employment in the area.

Hail hail.


He restored market confidence in Ireland through tough budgets, he introduced a number of successful schemes to promote employment and investment. Heā€™s been a steady hand at a time when one was needed.
We are now borrowing for free practically, which is a far cry from where we were when he took over.

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4 days after lying about full employment this news breaks. Weā€™re blessed to have such politicians who have their finger on the economic pulse. Mary Mitchell Oā€™Connor in charge of finding replacement jobs. God bless Eire.


Tough budgets? That was a fucking given regardless who was in the position.

What schemes specifically did he promote?

By steady hand do you mean he has done what he was told by his overlords?

Seems to me like our corporate tax, weak euro and now Brexit have all played a much more significant role in it than anything baldy Noonan did.

Huh? Does every country in EU not have same weak Euro? Has Brexit lead to a load of jobs being created here?

How many of them have the same low corporate tax rate and speak English?

We are a small population and need to use whatever advantages we can in order to be successful economically. Do you have a problem with that?

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No. But letting on Baldy Noonan is responsible for creating jobs when he isnā€™t is not something I will stand for.

I donā€™t think there would be too much disagreement to renaming Oā€™Connell Street as Michael Noonan Boulevard when he departs from office.

He has delivered more than Oā€™Connell ever could.

Youā€™ll get naysayers like @ChocolateMice, who have the luxury of weddings in Costa del Sol to plan, everywhere saying anybody could do it but we all know the truth. Without the Kaiser it would be ballybunion for the mini moon

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EIIS, Seed Capital Scheme, Start your own business relief, STEA, Back to work enterprise allowance, expansion of R&D Tax credit, expansion of microbrewery rebates, knowledge development box, expansion of local enterprise office staff, IDA budget increases, government supported micro-financing, business incubators etc. etc. etc.

Itā€™s at the point now where they are falling over themselves to give you grants. Itā€™s never been easier to start your own business. If you had any screed of a business idea at all Iā€™d recommend going down to the local enterprise office some day, they are giving away money.

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A great opportunity for these employees to get a cash lump sum and take on a new challenge from one of the tens of thousands of available jobs

And an empty factory when we are tight on available space for new FDI.

It is a win win.


These people at HP are hitting the dole queue because Noonan took his eye off the ball. He was to busy fighting the EU to make sure we donā€™t receive the ā‚¬13 billion in tax Apple owe us.


Winning that case could see a Noonan bank holiday declared.

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Bank holiday Noonday

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Indeed, you could give everyone a week off too if his corrupt fire sale at NAMA continues.

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What are those properties worth post Brexit ?

Property funds suspended trading on mainland U.K. Post Brexit.

The properties have been sold for a song ffs, any mug can see that. Are you going to bang this drum again?

You swear they way Noonan is worshipped on here you would think he is that lad in the euro millions ad looking to buy the country and island in the sun.

Im sure the family of bridget McCole would have a different view of Noonan.

He is nothing get but an evil, greedy little parasite who should have been left out in the cold.