The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

That will be for Leo to decide

Did you see the stupid cunt fist pumping coming out of the EU meeting last week? As if he ran rings around them.


Have manner bucko, or else

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Simon will be the man deciding I think.

I thought I saw that on the news :smile:
I’d say he’s gone dotty to be honest.

Unemployment down to its lowest rate in nine years. Noonan has overseen a remarkable transformation in the Irish economy.

The days of AJ Chopra and the boys is a lifetime ago now.

Despite what the economically illiterate left think, Ireland isn’t that bad a place to live.


No he will not.

They won’t be happy until everyone gets a free house, except for people who work for a living

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Fianna Fail seethe alert!

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Latest figures show government revenue missed their targets again for the 2 consecutive period.

I’ll gladly admit you were right,

But we won’t know for sure till 2019 at the earliest.

I still have my doubts…

5% growth predicted for this year by Davy, choo choo

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Agree. He is the safer option. I hate those Fine Gael cunts more than any of the other cunts, but in fairness to Coveney I think he is sincere and well meaning, which I cannot say for most of his colleagues.

Think he revised his initial 7% estimate downwards.


The Fianna Failers are stilling seething @balbec

They just don’t get it, fella.

Sincere, well meaning and maybe just a little bit dim.

No idea who/what that is.

Neither do I. @Bandage can you please explain what that post is supposed to mean?