The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

The problem is the day job .

@mikehunt @ChocolateMice @iron_mike, the word is pacifist.

Itā€™s not a word you would use to describe Varadkar either.

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Iā€™m not concerned - I just didnā€™t appreciate the way you were playing the man there and not the ball. Thatā€™s not the TFK way.

What was wrong with my reply to @iron_mikeā€™s pigshit thick and homophobic post?

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You were mean to himā€¦ Heā€™s just getting over his banning and needs to be minded.

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Someone has to go against the grain on here, we canā€™t all be pro casual homophobia and racism like you and @iron_mike

Well someone has to counterman the blind snowflakeism on display by you and @Sidney and @Matty_Hislop

Donohoe has ruled himself out. I think Bruton did an excellent job as minister for jobs and is also performing admirably in his current post. However as you say age is not on his side and he is also seen as one if the main instigators of the main instigators of the failed coup against Enda a few years ago.
Harris was caught with his trousers down over the whole Vincent hospital thing and will have to fix that before he can harbour any ambitions.
In my view Vradkar has done nothing of any note in any of his portfolios. He now sits in welfare which is a position of little or no importance in a growing economy.

What did I say that was factually incorrect?
He likes cock. He admitted that himself. Whether or not he is a pacifist (I accept your correction btw ) can be argued given the fact that he has dId fuck all in either transport or health and doesnā€™t need to do anything in welfare.

In all fairness Mike your post had more than a whiff off homophobia off it.

Your post was homophobic. Own it.

Christā€¦ I had to go back and read the post to see what all the fuss was aboutā€¦ You should be ashamed of yourself, you bigot.

Iā€™m very cross with myself

You are vile

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Disgusting post.

@Bandage can we please ban this poster for a further 24 hours to allow him time to reflect on his rampant homophobia.


This is what happens when you send a man down the way @iron_mike was. He was a harmless auld sort, and then @bandage shitcanned him. The system hasnā€™t rehabilitated him however, in fact, its just made him worse. Heā€™s got nothing to lose now, heā€™s seen the darkness, and has survived.

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Does the presence of a sizeable Nick in Laois make you guys experts on felon correctional methods ??

Oh will you look who it is. The bipolar space cadet. Obviously still reeling from last week. Careful going our the door. You might meet yourself coming back in

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No, I just watched Shawshank Redemption earlier after reading a few GAA player profiles. Great film.

You realise I was complimenting you right.

Further evidence of this edgier new Mike. Bandage you will never wash your hands of this.

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