The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Ah here Matty. I didn’t mean any harm by it. I actually didn’t. If it annoys you that much I’ll retract it.

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Retract nothing Mike. Fuck the snowflakers on here.


Dont back down Mike, you didn’t back down in front of the other prison wives, dont do it here now.

it was vile

you will be gone again - thankfully

Welfare could be an important position if done right.

Fianna FĂĄil demanded in a growing jobs market for sweeping 5 euro per week increases in welfare rates. In order for a worker (non married) to enjoy the same 5 euro a week increase in take home pay as a result of the budget, they would have had to have been earning a bit over 47k per annum.

The next FG leader has a future in opposition so it makes little odds.

…thanks to the current leader :smiley:

You back Leo’s plans to have people grass on welfare cheats?

You don’t?

Why wouldn’t you?

I think there are other areas that could be tackled with greater reward. FG have a habit of trying to get the “squeezed middle” to blame the poor for all that is wrong. Telling us that the EU insist on water charges yet appeal a 13bn ruling by the EU in Ireland’s favour.

So you’re ok with welfare fraud? If we took the attitude of not doing anything because there’s bigger waste elsewhere we wouldn’t change anything ever, because the health service is in shit.

Forget about the 13 billion. Even if the government didn’t appeal it, apple were always going to and even if they paid it over, the rest of them were looking for their cut out of it which would have meant we would have got fuck all out of it.
The other reason for appealing is that had they not done so, worst case scenario is that FDI would have dried up eventually. You’re comparing apples with oranges.

This is stupid.

He is the welfare minister, what do you expect?

The Irish Government are fighting the tax ruling as it is important for the integrity of our tax code. You might no agree with that, but are doing something that they believe in.

So they are taking action on two fronts.

President Trump will see some of that 13 billion before the EU sorts out the mess they made.

I would prioritise other areas where a bigger benefit would accrue. Welfare fraud is also a failure of the Dept of Social Welfare and they should be well able to tackle it rather than relying on people to grass them up. I’d imagine vexatious tip offs would be a problem . 90% of overpayments were as a result of error rather than fraud. I’d just always be wary of FG shouting “Look over there, welfare cheat”.


Moreover, this is not an original FG idea
This raises its head every now and again anyway.

And I note Mike didn’t address my criticism of the FG minority government’s welfare increases and just wanted to get onto some hobby horse about FG not liking the poor.

Their last budget gave dolies more money than the majority of single working persons.

I’d love a proper fiscal conservative government in this country, you’d know all about it then.

It’s a typical FG tactic. Ignore the sleaze at NAMA, forget about Johnathan Sugerman, never mind the €13 billion Apple tax scam the government is facilitating. Let’s go after the big guys who are scamming a few bob on the dole.

Varadker is trying to make himself out to be a strong man here, it’s absolutely laughable but there are plenty of Blueshirt gobshites who will lap this up.


How is that horseshit?

Explain please.

The only ones shrieking are the delusional idiots on the far left who think Ireland should spend money that isn’t ours.

Ireland is well within its rights to defend its tax code and for applying OECD principles.