The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Was probably outsourced and they had to pay a big fee for contract termination.

Drown 'em

Any multi worth itā€™s salt would be up and running in another part of Europe within a year. The whole of Eastern Europe speaks English now FFS.


Not really. The vast majority of single people in homeless services are addicts. They get 188 euro a week on the dole that goes straight to their dealers. Really it is much more of an addiction issue than a homeless one. The cost of living if it was to go down and welfare payments going up wouldnā€™t have any real impact on getting these people housed. They would just buy more drink/drugs.

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Maybe but what Eastern European countries offer a lower corporation tax rate? I checked Poland and itā€™s 19%. The EU are not challenging the Corporation tax rate, just how we apply it.

There will always be homelessness due to addiction but the number of homeless people has doubled in 3 years. Canā€™t all be down to addiction.

My original point was that cutting welfare will exacerbate homeless levels. Cost of living is what needs to be looked at. Some think cutting welfare payments should be applied to the elderly as it was such a success with the under 25s.

How does getting rid of bedsits fit into the homelessness narrative.

Politics of principle overriding reality.

How many homeless people are single males?
How many single males would previously have lived in betsits?

Iā€™d love to know how many people would be homeless if Government and Banks took a harder line on people who failed to pay their mortgage for a sustained periiod. Would be some really interesting numbers.

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They should repossess the houses and give them to homeless people.

Thats a great plan. Would it perhaps save time to give them to homeless people, who may already have their belongings in the house?

Perfect scenario all the useless cunts are fucking off and the hard working immigrants are coming in to make our breakfast rolls


I hope they can manage getting through an airport better than you.

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some fuckers shouldnā€™t be let out of the country

It would be a kindness to take the passports off them.

Look what happened with Halawa when he removed his passport

Surely it would be best to start euthanizing the crowd on disability - added benefit in freeing up the health service.

he wants to kill babies, so lets start killing useless fucks on the dole

Tut tut.