The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Dragging its feet? That would suggest we were going to collect it. Hell to the no.

Commission statement

Well this is going to make my next Brussels trip totes awks

Dont take this shit from them pal, fight our corner. Piss on the fucking boardroom table and walk out.

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“You sons of bitches, who do u think u are awarding us 13bn + interest” with RATMs “Killing in the Name Of” blaring in the background. Yeah, go Ireland!!! :muscle::muscle::muscle:

They arent awarding us anything.

True, we are owed it.

You’re a mess.

It’ll be a lot more awkward for the lad you are carrying the files for though. So at least there’s that.


No files to copy, all on my laptop.

I never took you as a civil servant Art. Good to see there is some intellect there. Do tou find TFK mirrors your work environment?

Hope you’ve backed them up.

Many of the top 5 most smartest posters on tfk are civil servants.

I can hear the stampede for the tap-in.


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Same as civil service and private sector ; some top people and some chocolate teapot cunts shouldn’t be allowed a computer, to leave the house or breed.

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@Brimmer_Bradley and 4 of his aliases.


I presume you’re excluding yourself after writing that post “top 5 most smartest”

Deary me

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I have long been counted among the top 5 most smartest posters on TFK.