The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Pity you couldn’t construct a sentence.

You are a serious irrelevance round here kid, apart from providing the odd opportunity for top end posters to guffaw at your naivety.

Sure construction is dead.

Yea and you just killed it

And yet how often do I come home on a Saturday and you’ve been sitting at home friday night tagging me on the late late show thread? :grinning:

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Do you stay out all night some Fridays, mate?

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@mikehunt perspective

I would expect France and UK to have high levels of homelessness due to their imperialist history. Both countries have also taken in large amounts of migrants in recent years. Germany took in 1.5 million migrants in 2 years. How someone would seek praise for matching their homeless figures having take in minimal migrants is astonishing.

And what about the Scandinavian countries?

Dunno mate, I haven’t got igloo

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We should follow the Nordic model

I tried that and she got a barring order.


Rate of homelessness in Ireland is rising at a rapid rate. Are other European countries who are not taking in migrants experiencing same levels of growth?



Maybe we are just catching up to the norm in the West?

And that’s a good thing?