The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

I didnā€™t say that homelessness was a good thing.

All I ask is for you to have a bit of perspective on things and stop following the lazy social media buzz that Ireland is the worst place in the world.

Iā€™ll not change now.

I wax talking to a young lad today who was complaining about how hard it was to get a flat. I said it was like that when I was young. Youā€™d look up the small ads in the Evening Press and by the time youā€™d got out to the kip in Rathmines itā€™d be gone. Ah no says your man, itā€™s much worse now. I thought to myself, how the fuck would you know?


Oh sure if the app says there arenā€™t any apartments, well there couldnā€™t possibly be any apartments.

Thereā€™s been so much noise made about The Great Homeless Epidemic, itā€™s surprising to see thereā€™s only 6,000 of them about. It feels like that number should be in the low milluns. New Zealand is a similar size and has something like 40,000 homeless people. You canā€™t move in Auckland without falling over some fella panned out on a strip of cardboard on the street.

Another one for the ā€œIreland is the worst place in the world brigadeā€

Strippers on a Tuesday night in the Midlands .

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A lot of these young wans could still be at home living with the mother/father but would rather sleep in a hotel calling joe duffy everyday waiting for their free gaff.

ruh roh


The planning labrynth in Ireland is causing significant issues for international investors. I was in the Mid West of the USA last week (I omitted to log it on the international business trip thread for confidentiality reasons) where this was relayed to me on more than one occasion.


This headline is classic pr. Make a nailed on development look in doubt. Leo pulls it out of the fire, and itā€™s an extra dose of jolly good fellow.

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Too many crusties who object to everything .

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Another thing President Trump warned us about but the shrieking liberals shut him down.


Can anyone put up the article in yesterdayā€™s Sunday Business Post about the Siteserve deal?

Investors are now paying Ireland to take their money :clap:


We might just need to rename whole towns after Noonan.

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@mikehunt will be fucking seething with this news.


Noonan will go down as the grandfather of Irelandā€™s recovery.

A visionary and a Statesman. He has done the state some service.


That he managed to do it with that monkey at the helm is an even greater achievement