The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Our most successful Taoiseach, of that there can be no doubt. Would that we still had him at the helm instead of that Leo tool.

Saddling the country with more debt and the boyos cheering them on. Hyup ya baya.

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The more debt we have the more money we make. Genius

Whats in it for the ordinary Joe Soap? Do we get any of this money? Is it used to alleviate the problems of homelessness and people dying on the streets, used to make healthcare better, Improve infrastructure and roads. Is Ireland a better place to live?

Whilst economy vital signs like unemployment is going down (now ranked 14th out of 27 EU countries)
National debt as a proportion of GDP (16th out of 27) has gone down.

These are middle of the road rankings. And a lot of it is predicated on Trumpian policies and over reliance on American Multinationals. Facebook announcement last week of recognising revenues differently for tax purposes is disconcerting. I expect Luxembourg will be a place chosen by American mncā€™s to sell their products from as they have one of the lowest output VAT rates in the EU. Corporation tax rates and pressure from Europe to harmonise CT rates will never go away.

All the while both working parents are faced with the Vista of higher childcare costs, mortgage arrears and rising household costs like insurance and energy costs with no accompanying increase in salary in many cases. Iā€™m sure when said parents are driving home in bumper to bumper traffic and listening to the last word and hearing how Ireland Inc is an attractive place to invest in, it is a major source of comfort to these people.


Eh Facebook donā€™t pay any tax here anyway mate. Thatā€™s the problem

But but butā€¦ weā€™re getting cheap money. Who cares if we squander it on public service pay increases with no productivity increases.

The boys heads are spinning, this is unrale!

Sure 90% of TFK either are or are married to civil / public servants.
Itā€™s win win.

Youā€™d be wrong then. Itā€™s going to be fabulous for Ireland, and particularly those who work in professional services, which is even more fabulous.

Funny how you can reference Irelandā€™s rankings on some issues but ignore our low homeless ranking and choose to go with the emotive nonsense.

Not the midlands

Your point about low levels of homelessness in Ireland was, as usual, misleading.

To call it a problem of homelessness is a bit misleading. Its all about housing supply. Any single person on the homeless list is entitled up to 1100 a month on the hap. For someone with access to their kids a few nights a week they can get 1500 and up on the same scheme. The government are happy to throw money at paying for accommodation for the homeless but donā€™t want to be their landlords. The long game here is for voluntary housing associations to provide all social housing accommodation. Itā€™s why the government are so resistant to embark on large scale social housing builds themselves. O wants to build another slum like ballymun. What they are building or buying is being handed over to voluntary agencies to manage. Iā€™d imagine part of the reason for this is that the local authorities struggle to collect even the miniscule rent a lot of tenants owe. Also for those on the homeless housing list landlords take one look at them and decide they canā€™t be trusted. Hard to blame them really. Another major drawback of the hap scheme is that if the tenant doesnā€™t pay the local authority their rent they stop hap payments to the landlord.

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What were those? Youā€™ve yet to answer that but just lauded a post that criticized Ireland for a few mid table rankings as it fits your misery junkyism.

The issue with you is that everything is feelings based. I can agree with you on a subject like the public sector but you still write some awful garbage like ā€œsack all managers in the HSEā€.

More great news, thank you Michael.

When will people admit that our government has done a fantastic job? Weā€™ve gone from bankruptcy to a second boom in less than ten years and you still have people moaning because someone from Dun Laoghaire is ā€œhomelessā€ because they are refusing to accept a house thatā€™s too far from their mother or because some poor addict is refusing help and is continuing to sleep rough.


Ireland is the worst county in the world m8, didnā€™t you get the memo?

Sadly, never mate. Its not in their interests to. Its not in their nature to. The Fianna Failers will always ache for their overlords to return and rule them like a king.

Still, it sticks in their craws to see the wonderful job Enda has done in saving our country. It will never be forgotten.

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Ireland isnā€™t a county, mate.

Typical west Brit attitude.

what did the government do mate?

Malcontents MO

Everything that is good: pure luck, nothing to do with the government. Just down to the spirit of the Irish people :shamrock:
Everything that is bad: all the governments fault, no blame on the individual

Of course it is true that politicians will do the exact same themselves in blaming previous political parties for problems, but there is a serious lack of perspective from some. Ironically theyā€™re often some of the biggest takers in society.

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