The Citizens of Cavan and Fermanagh Thread, including Quinns

In summation: Quinn is deluded beyond belief.

The daft cunt thinks he still should be in charge of everything.
The Christmas dues will be fairly thin for Fr.O’Reilly who’s joined the long list of those who fell foul of them.

Dry cleaners and tanning shops are the most used.

No record of how suits were cleaned only a ticket from a raffle book and I don’t know anyone using a tanning shop these days only @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Powered by solar panels I presume?

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Did Quinn imply last night that new members of the board may have suggested CFD’s due to the amount of wedge they had?

He did admit he fucked up cos he kept buying Anglo but I thought he threw it out or kinda suggested he wouldn’t have gone there only for this prompting.

I still can’t believe he said why aren’t people asking why Kevin Lunney was attacked

It was a fascinating, well made doc. Overall the whole sorry tale is reminiscent of a series of Succession. There are absolutely no redeeming characters or organisations involved whatsoever. Anglo, IBRC, The Quinns, Alan Dukes, Patrick Neary, Dublin Jimmy. An absolute cunt fest.

Quinn himself now cuts a fairly pathetic figure wallowing in a sea of self pity and delusion.


I forgot to mention Dukes casually slandering the entire population of the border counties for no reason whatsoever. A horrible fucker.


And he saying they would be a "lot different to people say in South Tipperary ". I’d say the cunt has never seen South Tipperary.


I’d swear the long cunt was going to say South Dublin there but managed to check himself.

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:rofl: He definitely was. He had to think up another South something or other.

He’s definitely never been to a South Under 17 final between Cahir and Swans :grinning:


He said Tipp South, because he knows those Tipp North fuckers would be just like border counties. They’d do anything for Lowry sure

I found that very funny. A program with a good dash of " them fuckers up in Dublin" but then the minute that’s reversed there is pearl-clutching.

Dukes suggested that the border county folk were quicker to reach for violence than other parts of the country. The facts would suggest he’s not wrong …


Quinn consumed a lot of airtime. Got ample opportunity to have his say. Explain in his own terms. He does appear to carry an immense and unjust sense of victimhood and a feeling that he is more sinned against that sinning. All empire builders are a bit like that. They will cling onto the last vestitures of power. The Glass factory was that for Quinn. He seems to carry no remorse for general public and is not contrite. He probably costs the average Irish household an additional €50-€80 a year with insurance levy that will run until 2038. Instead feelings of guilt towards his children and his legacy or perhaps how his obituary will read. Yet but yet despite all that Alan Dukes seems to come across as a bigger cunt and he was hardly on a fraction of the time. I dont know how he has achieved that. It must be the Fine Gaelness or sometihng. It oozes out of every pore. He has that sneery cock sureness face and carries an air of superiority that is detestable. Yes Quinn would put his hand in your pocket and steal from you but Dukes would probably plug out your life support to charge his phone.


Dukes making a fool of himself there on Claire Byrne. Dig up man, dig up

Terrific final sentence :ballot_box_with_check:

I cant claim that one. That has done the rounds before.

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Mrs Quinn has no time for the local priest

She’ll be needing him before he’ll need her.

The priest never mentioned the Quinns in his homily, he referred to those behind the scenes orchestrating the thuggery. Mrs.Quinn is possibly paranoid.


Guilty conscience more likely,like Carmella Soprano