The Citizens of Cavan and Fermanagh Thread, including Quinns

Carmella’s innocent
Ya :imp:
Quinn’ sr was loved when I was up that way
2 acquaintances worked for years for him
And had a good word on tbe man
And these 2 Fermanagh whures wouldn’t praise the pope

If it wasnt offensive Scare Byrne would hardly be asking Dukes to explain himself this morning.

I think there is quite a difference between ‘Dem fuckers up in Dublin dont care about us’ and ‘the people of the border counties turn violent quicker than they do anywhere else’.

It was a pretty ignorant and unnecessary statement from a man who should know better.


It was a very loose comment but the pearl-clutching and forced moral equivalence between that comment and what Quinn inflicted upon the country (and local community) is orders of magnitude overstated. Posters here and elsewhere getting hot under the collar about Dukes while annually paying insurance levies out of their pocket for 20 years plus and all the rest of it too.

The comparative reaction does say a lot about the Irish psyche and why we can expect to repeat these kind of mistakes over and over again imho.

Ah here Sean Quinn has been heavily criticised on here and in Ireland in general for years

I will say one thing on Quinn. His house is beautiful and built on a lovely back drop too over looking the lake. Not like a lot of the gaudy monstrosities that were built around then.

the father in law was from not too far away from ballyconnell. i was always aware that I’d have to rein my gob in when talking about quinn

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Would you therefore describe it as an ordinary run of the mill place in the manner that Jerry Beades described the O’Donnell mansion.
It’s a gaudy, loud, abomination of a place. An eyesore given the entire history.


That’s in no way gaudy at all

Na it’s a lovey house. Not one of these big square barracks you see fellas building.

One the trees are given time to mature it’ll be a lovely sight.

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A simple house for a simple man


It’s certainly easier on the eye than the monstrosity in Martinstown.

In the same way you couldn’t say a bad word about the McCartins 40 years ago.
John McCartin of QIH is a nephew of former MEP Joe McCartin but you knew that.

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The Irish psyche?

The UK endorsed Boris as primeminister and almost brought him back again.

The Brazilans voted in Bolsonaro, Italians Berlusconi and of course the Americans with Trump.

Society can be fucked up.

There is blind loyalty to Quinn in the border counties, just like there is/was blind loyalty to all those wankers that I mentioned.


Lads, her indoors was trying to extract my thoughts on what size a turkey her mother should get this year as I was earnestly trying to concentrate on this very good programme last night. Right at the part about Kevin Lagan, she insisted on getting my views on this pressing matter so I obliged giving my long held views on her mother’s turkey. I caught the rest of the programme no bother but would someone mind putting me in the picture re Kevin Lagan and his role in the events that played out last night. Sound

I am open to correction here but I think Lagan was trying to buy up parts of the gravel and concrete business owned by Quinn. Parts of Lagans own business was attacked over a period of time. In one night alone they caused €1m worth of damage. It finally came to a head when Lagans wife died, he got a phone call the morning of her funeral saying if he bought the business he would be reunited with his wife post haste. I am paraphrasing there obviously but that was the gist of it.


Before Quinn ever got himself set up proper there were rumours that he was intimidating rival quarry men to exit the business and leave the way clear for him.

Also rumours that he sent heavies around to ‘settle’ claims in his insurance business.

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Fair play to RTE I saw about 70% of the three programmes and thought it was a real page turner, as they say.

Like The Field crossed with The Godfather.


Would be no harm for some of the cunts who put in claims these days


Is it fair to assume he was involved with the IRAnians… to continue the overused theme of abbreviated world cup teams