The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

Certainly not , but honestly Bonos a prized prick


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Think u know what I meant


McGregor has degenerated into almost the biggest scumbag I can ever remember. There used to actually be a likeability factor to him when he first came on the scene but he’s just a thoroughbred cunt now.


It’s non-aged Bushmills I’ve been reliably told.

proper 12

anyone else think that the bushmills crew are having a right laugh about that name?

I thought there was something about not being allowed to use numbers on bottles as it might give a false impression as to the age of the whiskey.

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i was thinking of the lads who make the stuff and sell it to him and how they like to take a day in july off

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You couldn’t properly hate Bono any more after that South Park episode.


Indeed, the worlds biggest piece of shit!

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Don’t you see - Bono IS the record!

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Would agree U2 as a band have represented Ireland well. Bono deserves a kick in the bollox for his anti RA shit on US tours. Fuck off you cunt we made the RA.


The Irish in the US love the Ra


Bono is a pox


Fuckin eejits with 26+6=1 t-shirts were easy marks for big tips back in the day.

‘Here ya go brother - for the cause’

I was in a pub in south Boston years ago after I bought a drink, in the change there was a dollar note that had a red print through it saying “Britain get out of Ireland” :man_shrugging:

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Are you a fucking Cawp?


pahk da cah …


That’s my understanding. Rules about what can and cannot go on whisk(e)y labels here and in Scotland are strict as fuck