The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

McGregor might be posting on TFK all along?

Another woman beating scumbag for the far right to idolise

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Season 2 Omg GIF by The Office

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this changes everything GIF by The Next Step

Conor McGregor: Putin ‘one of the greatest leaders of our time’ – The Irish Times

Unfortunately I’ve been proven correct about this stuff time and time again and my analysis regarding the US, Russia, and what’s happening in Israel/Palestine and its knock on effects for the west has proven to be anything but over the top or conspiracy driven.

My analysis of the Irish far right and how it uses the internet has been spectacularly accurate.

Another person I nailed early on was McGregor.

Conor McGregor is not an “agent” of Putin. His liking for Putin is likely no more deep than Vladimir Putin treated him as a guest of honour at the 2018 World Cup final and made him feel “special”.

And that is all it takes to buy somebody like McGregor as an ally for life.


McGregor is going heavy on the Twitter machine this lunchtime, over a few Coca Colas no doubt.

Ireland has its Oswald Mosley.

Doesn’t seem absurd at all, seems a natural fit.

To those who are clued in about this stuff it’s an obvious natural fit.

Part of the problem is a lot of people who are not familiar with the currents of hatred running wild online and the sources of that hatred believe that people who are familiar with this stuff are going “over the top” and exaggerating things about the disastrous effects it is having.

I don’t blame anybody for not having the time or the motivation to examine what’s happening online. But anybody who is not online tracking all of this stuff isn’t really in any position to argue about what’s happening online.

Even for people who are deep into tracking internet propaganda, it can be dizzying and difficult to keep up.

We’ve seen over and over again that what happens online precedes it spilling over and exploding into “real life”.

People are in denial about what the internet and the wild west propaganda environment it has created are doing to societies. It’s worse than almost everybody thinks.

In my view.


The guards definitely aren’t judging by their laborious reaction to events yesterday

My belief is the Gardai, at every level, and the Department of Justice, are in completely over their heads.

I think they sort of know what’s going on as regards online propaganda and sort of don’t.

They’re petrified at every level, don’t have the resources, don’t have the powers to deal with the threat. They remind me of the financial regulator in the face of the wild west of derivatives, collateralised loan obligations, credit default swaps and fuck knows what else.

Technology is defeating the human ability to keep up with it. The propaganda is relentless, it’s a vast ocean. Technology-fuelled propaganda is the three Chinese doped up on turtle’s blood and EPO galloping away from Sonia O’Sullivan. The human ability to keep up is some no hoper blown out the back of the first heat.

But one mistake you cannot make is to adopt a hands off policy with fascists. “Giving them the reaction they crave” is a total oxymoron. They’re already angry and demented enough. If you stand off them, you just enable them. You have to confront them head on.

Drew Harris I think should go if only for the mistake that he decided to adopt a hands off policy. You can’t let Nazi book burners walk into libraries to cause chaos and adopt a hands on policy towards anti-fascist protestors against them and think there won’t be consequences down the line. That was a policy of enablement.


Rank and file Gardai have been demotivated and disimpowered (not even a word apparently) at every turn in recent years. There is no incentive for them to take heavy handed action with these scumbags as they know they are just as likely to end before a court as one of them. Plus that will do long term damage to their careers while the spongers have nothing to lose.


They should cancel the Taylor fight on Saturday


Actually wouldnt be a bad shout. Could get ugly

must. bite. tongue.


My impression is that frustration occasionally spills out into over the top reactions against left wing protestors, or into stupid, pedantic by the book stuff against easy targets or instances where they may abuse the powers they have against easy targets.

There’s a long folk memory of Robocop at the Reclaim The Streets protest in 2002. That was the sort of angry face we should have been seeing last night. We should have been seeing hundreds of those sort of faces from Gardai. Instead we saw petrified Guards running away from fascist thugs on Parnell Street and O’Connell Bridge, in real fear of their lives, as Garda cars and buses and trams burned.

So Gardai in general tend to go heavier handed on left wing protestors, who aren’t really the problem with this society and who pose little real threat. They do this because they’re frustrated with their inability to deal with right-wing nuts - like somebody in a primary school class who loses a fight, feels humiliated, and then picks a fight with a smaller fella he knows he’ll beat, in order to salvage some pride.

This tendency leads to a circle where the people who aren’t the real threat are also hostile to Gardai because they perceive them as neutral in favour of the fascists.

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The trouble with McGregor is that he will face no sanction or rebuke from Dana White or UFC or any body he might have a slight respect for for his comments on social media lately as all that crowd are big Trump supporting MAGA types, which means he will continue with his racist claptrap with impunity

…or Porterhouse, which manufactures his shitty slop.

The impunity is the point. The untrammelled power is the point.

The total absurdity of horrible bastards like McGregor, Trump, Tate and Brand cosplaying as “protectors of women” is the point.

Abuse of women is a selling point for fascists. Celebrity is a selling point for fascists.

The total absurdity of the law and order brigade celebrating mass violence is the point.

The total absurdity of fascism, of everything that runs through it, is the point. Create chaos and confusion, engage in pedantry and semantics to claim what is obviously fascism is not in fact fascism, gaslight, bullshit, continue on, eat society.

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Maybe we should introduce hate speech legislation.