The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

You’re a one-note halfwit when it comes to this.


I don’t think that would deter him; now if he was hit in the pocket, you could imagine his tune being changed fairly rapidly

The rival, competitor forum removed this thread I started. They CANCELLED it. Fuck and fuck you moderator “Beasty”.


Is Conor McGregor emerging as the spiritual leader of an Irish fascist movement?


My view is yes he is.

McGregor has created a persona which is part American gangsta rap culture, part Celtic mysticism (which Irish fascists love), part Trump.

His schtick for an American audience is that he grew up in the Dublin “ghetto” (ahem, Crumlin and then Lucan).

He pretends to “rail against the establishment”.

He brands himself as part of the “fighting Irish”. He likes Vladimir Putin.

He is crass, materialistic, individualistic, money obsessed. His appeal overlaps the appeal of drugs and the drugs gangs in Dublin. He is anti-intellectual. There is no deep thought to anything he says. It’s simplistic guff. The internet fuels his appeal, fuels disinformation, and the disinformation and hate he spreads acts as a binding and mobilising force for nihilistic young men.

He has the caricatured over the top ultra “masculine” persona that fascists love to cultivate. Idiots think he “cuts through the bullshit”. “Make America Great Again.” “Get Brexit Done.” “Get On With It.”

“We Are At War.”

His Twitter activity is a disgrace. He claims we are at war, he retweets fascists like Keith Woods, the comments under his messages are a fcuking car crash. He has firmly positioned himself as being on the side of the fascist thugs who wrecked Dublin last night. He has made an absurd implication that the fascist rioters last night are the spiritual heirs of Daniel O’Connell, who was known as “The Liberator”. The fascist thugs know he is on their side. They saw McGregor’s “we are at war” tweet as a clarion call to go on the rampage. It is coincidence that that tweet was made the day before yesterday’s stabbing, but the riot was inevitable in the near future anyway. The stabbing was only the excuse to incite race war.

McGregor is openly targeting immigrants. Immigrants are the people “we” are “at war” with, according to McGregor.

Conor McGregor is the most famous Irish person in the world. The most famous Irish person in the world is calling for war against immigrants. Anybody who does not take his threat seriously, who dismisses how he could become the totemic figure for an Irish fascist movement, is utterly deluded and does not understand either history or the contemporary of how fascism works.

I expect this thread will be flooded with gaslighting posts from people with a vested interest in sticking up for fascism and fascists, all of whom will claim they’re not fascists, all of whom will claim that my view is absurd.

Unfortunately the seemingly absurd has a very nasty habit of coming true.

I liked cheastys theory that gaining the support of the far right online gains you an army of followers who won’t question anything you do and will defend you to the ends of the earth. It also means if you are tried for a crime like rape or sexual assault you can write the whole thing off as the establishment and msm out to frame you. And your followers will loudly agree.

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There’s a load of halfwits on the board against it who don’t understand what it’s about, pointing out that it would be useful and in fact is necessary is relevant.

It’ll be out the gap with your heroine Helen


what is needed is not more legislation, what we need is joined up thinking and proper enforcement of whats already on the statutebook.

we also need a new prison


Incorrect, we need laws on hate speech.

Some journalists who’ve done excellent work in the past have had surprising (to me) takes on the Irish far right. For example, I recall Mick Clifford had a sneery/snide article a while back mocking the people who’ve been warning about the likely consequences of their rise & I thought it was either poor judgement or a touch of arrogance on his part. Kinda like, I’m an agenda setting journalist - I’d know more about it than you lot.

The thrust of it was “there’s no far right to worry about here, just a few clowns posturing online, & the idiots complaining about it are as annoying as them.” Then you’ve had the usual suspects downplaying it too, your Ciara Kellys & the likes in their weekend columns. Often conflating the far right & left/far left for their own reasons, probably because of whoever’s paying for their opinion.

I don’t know if they’ll walk it back or not in their upcoming pieces. The temptation, I guess, is to claim last night was nothing to do with these far right groups & instead just scumbags. But I think some broadcasters, journalists & columnists have, inadvertently, ran interference for these cunts by downplaying or dismissing them.

That said, I totally get what you’re saying about many people not being up to speed with what these fuckers are up to online & how they’re organising themselves & inserting themselves into these issues. “Ireland is full”, “these houses should be for Irish people”, “our kids shouldn’t be taught this in Irish schools”, “don’t be bringing this transgender shit into our country”. The ringleaders & their acolytes are across all of this & it’s the same cunts picketing libraries that were whipping goons into a frenzy last night & telling them to get into town. As you pointed out all along, it’s what’s happened in other countries & we’re just somewhat behind in the cycle. All of which makes the dismissive tone of many leading journalists/commentators & the softly softly official/police approach up to now more unfortunate.

And like I said earlier, there’s a load of other things/circumstances that have conspired to make it a toxic mix right now - policing issues, disaffected & angry youths only happy to be carried along by these pricks, electric scooters, a cost of living crisis, the split season, the international break & so on.


incorrect, we have laws on hate speech

Prohibition of Incitement To Hatred Act, 1989 (


A bit like that Joe Brolly rule proposal for Gaelic football where lads wouldn’t be allowed to be double marked.

Sounded great.

Joined up thinking.

I always think “joined up thinking” is the sort of thing lads say when they haven’t a clue about something but want to appear as if they’re knowledgeable.

Very Brexity.

I’d say the 1989 is well equipped to deal with tik tok alright.

(c) to distribute, show or play a recording of visual images or sounds,"


not every word you dont like can be ascribed to brexit or the far right.

joined up thinking in this case, or a holisitic approach to use a venacular you may find more appealing, would be to on one hand deter the scrotes from doing this again by using the criinal justice scheme and to secondly, prevent kids from becoming scrotes by haviong earlier interventions and diversion paths

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So how would you deal with the disinformation?

He’s not exactly Bob Woodward in The Washington Post era. The guy wrote for the comics.

id ban social media in the morning if i could

There’s a guy on Twitter called Jason O’Mahony @jasonomahony.

If you want the most stereotypically tepid, wrong yet smug “rugby Dad” takes, this guy is the King. He styles himself as a “centrist liberal” but will always bring everything back to a cheap dig at what he imagines to be “the left”.

Apparently a former PD candidate.

He reminds me a lot of @TheUlteriorMotive actually. He reminds me of those corporate tax consultants on the panel at Davos who were flabbergasted when that Dutch guy started going on about mass corporate tax avoidance and how we had to do something about it, or people would start turning towards extremists, or some such like that.

I follow him to annoy myself.

Sounds good. But it isn’t realistic.

make verified logins and use of real name a legal requirement