The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's šŸ

Kelly Harrington (Dublin Central)


Thatā€™s a nail on the head.

98.67% of Irish people are good and kind hearted. The majority are open to taking in refugees but thereā€™s always a limit. And itā€™s nothing to do with racism or hate - we grow up with our cultural identity that we largely want our kids to grow up in. Thereā€™s nothing at all wrong with thatā€¦ Thatā€™s every person in the world Iā€™d imagineā€¦ Itā€™s about balance. New blood and new cultures are good for us but thereā€™s nothing wrong with wanting to retain your own cultural outlook so long as itā€™s not hate filledā€¦ Iā€™d hate for secluded ghettos of immigrants to spring up - thatā€™s no good for anyone. we need an integration policy. The intolerance shown by far lefties like @mikehunt is startling.


Maybe a run at Europe in Ireland and Portugal?

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He wont take a blind bit of notice to that.Waste of time.
All he will do is fire off racism accusations.I wouldnt bother with him.
Him and his ilk stand out here like a festering boil of pus.

Katie Taylor (Wicklow)
Anthony Moyles (Meath East)
Gordon Elliott (Meath West)

Have we no one for Cork?

Ashligh Thompsons

Kieran Bergin (Tipperary South)

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Why are so many Libyans and Syrians seeking refuge? Do we only start caring the minute they reach ireland?

Finally. Thatā€™ll do. Himself could go as well surely?


Blame the fanboys that enabled him in the early days

Hate Speech will sort that out

Once again, it all comes back to Gilroy.

Incredible work finding a racist stat on the twitter feed of a racist.

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We have an integration policy. Thereā€™s 2 big issues as i see it.
The absolute refusal of departments that could /should be involved. The dcediy (i think!) Has to do everything here without the tools. Theyve expanded by over diuble i think and are still running recruitments to get people to help. Justice have told them to fuck off, housing have told them to fuck off, foreign affairs have told them to fuck off. Thereā€™s teams firefighting non stop for the guts of 2 years trying to find beds for people on a daily basis.
The sheer numbers. We are now seen as the easy mark in europe. Even though roderick has been quite clear that we cant do it, we havenā€™t changed anything. His recent 90 day proposition was mental but a product of neccessity. And it was widely abused. We will wait for the eu to address it. Its mental, as batigol outlines regularly. Thereā€™s plenty that would help. Chiefly, returning people to their first eu state, where they are meant to seek asylum. We are more than doing our share numbers wise. Its no harm to occasionally point to the actual rules and stick to them.

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Why would anyone grapple with all of that when they can just be congratulated for repeating a virtuous slogan?

I hate facts as well. Makes you hurt a little inside.

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Would you have any idea which country has the highest number of rejections for seeking asylum in Ireland?

Rejections seem to make fuck all difference