The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

Best thing would be to srop bombing and destabilising anywhere where there’s a resource to plunder. Much more humane imho…but it’s impolite to discuss such matters


I agree with the last few posts - we need to leave the EU.

Why have tribes been fighting for as far back as we can ascertain?

Same reason tribes stop fighting each other. Learned behaviour. Learned behaviour changes over time.

So they learn to fight?
Who teaches them?

Yes, they learned to fight. They learn the same way everybody else learns things, through people teaching them the ideas, behaviours and hatreds that lead to fighting.

Ok, and who taught the teachers?

Like everything it’s nature and nurture. Fear is a rational form of phobia and there is a definite genetic element to phobias (it might be epigenetic rather than genetic so soft inheritance). Children of parents with phobias (agarophobia for example) are 3X more likely to suffer from phobias. Fear of the other which is the basis of racism is a survival instinct so very much inherited and then amplified or tempered by environment.

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Fear of racists is extremely rational.

Kyle Hayes?

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Sunday independent poll

Those polled were also asked if they would vote for former MMA fighter Conor McGregor, who has heavily criticised the Government’s response to the riots, if he ran for public office but just 8 per cent of those polled said they would, whilst 89 per cent say they would no.

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Incredible. Would you say the sort of people who respond to polls from the SINDO are just precisely Conor’s demographic?

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I see that cretinous moron Richard Boyd Barrett was ranting and raving on the streets of Dublin today calling for intifada and the destruction of Israel, and for revolution in Ireland.

For those not familiar with the meaning of Intifada, up to recently it meant strapping explosives onto women and children and sending them into Israel to blow themselves up in public, and launching thousands of rockets into civilian areas, On October 7th Intifada got an uograde to include slaughtering parents in front of their children, slaughtering children in front of their parents, gang raping tennage girls before beheading them, mutilating and burning children alive.

The same clowns calling for hate speech legislation to lock up the likes of Conor McGregor and Ryan Casey for their recent remarks will defend RBB’s right to free speech in calling for intifada and revolution. Right wing fighting talk bad, left wing fighting talk good.


There are lads here who would have fanatically opposed the French resistance.


I haven’t heard a single person defend Boyd Barrett but I’ve read an awful lot of ‘the same lads who……….’ type posts :man_shrugging:

Headbangers paranoid at all?

I’d imagine the crowd cheering him on in Dublin not just defend him but agree with him.

Or maybe they’re headbangers?

My head hurts reading all that.

This reminds me of McGregor every-time I see him tweeting at 3am or something.


I’d say Dee batters the head of him round the house

I’d be surprised if they even live in the same house.