The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

A Berra banter between two sporting greats , no harm

Suspect character
Gifted at self promotion
Multi millionaire
Mouthy Dub cunt


The prick is original.

Khabib putting him crying ended that debate.

Im all in… Conor for president

Sporting greats. Fucking hell

2 rapists

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The similarities between McGregor and two of his first cousins are remarkable.


Getting that far off his chops in Saudi is one of his braver acts :flushed:

He’s looking more like Ray Winstone


Does he speak to the auld buck anymore? Seems to be always with the mother.

Wasn’t there rumour that him and the Da fell out as the auld lad got into pipe fitting ?


More than a rumour, seems to be gone from the auld lady alright.

I suppose constantly slagging peoples sexuality in press conferences must be a light awkward now.

Shur gay is the new straight. A lad would have to have a tree fetish before anyone would give him a touch. I suppose that’s the way it’s gone nowadays


He’s asking the right questions on X of the government. Send out the cameras to Dublin airport so we can see the process of letting in “new arrivals”.
A fair question. If EU citizens does the govt check all those who arrive for criminal history.
If they are non EU how can they vet those people if no database exists?

Sure that’s the problem. Their passports get flushed down the toilet on the plane so there’s no way to vet who they are. And because they ask for asylum they can’t be matched back to the plane and returned to where they came from. The whole system is open for exploitation


He could be on the money there even though it sounds ridiculous. It’s a PR battle now and the government need to start engaging.

They are fingerprinted mate so they are vetted