The Daddy Thread

We have that but it’s like a war trying to give it to them. Both fight and spit it out. There’s a much easier way…

You need to tool up bro

Herself has a cabinet which can only be described as a mini chemist.

Suppositories are great tool in amicable Calpol cooperation.


Suppositories :ok_hand:


They are great yokes but I leave all suppositoring to herself.


Delighted to hear this Mike. How did he get on at the next session?

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He cried at the start cos one of his buddies wasn’t there but they were patient with him and he got involved eventually.


He’s so similar to our eldest. A bit of persistance and support and in a few months you’ll think you have a different child to the lad he was a few weeks back

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Obviously :blush:

Second place today in the feile handball up in Ballacolla, went right down to the wire.
She’s given us some good days out this year


Happy Father’s Day in advance to all the beleaguered soldiers here - I don’t know etc……

I’m looking forward to hearing tales of varied and interesting gifts from suitably disinterested offspring.
The list will no doubt assorted cookery utensils, gym gear, BBQ accessories, whiskey and other tokens…

Just give me the pleasure of your presence, your smiling happy faces as ye mutter behind your hands (think Klopp muttering to Milner here) “he’s a doughty fucker, he’ll last another 20 - the bastard”…

Enjoy it lads, it’s only an excuse for them to show off.


I was asked would I like anything… I replied … An hour to myself :grinning:.


You brave bastard

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Red Breast and Black Barrel gifted early this evening.

We’ll keep them a while longer.

I got a box of 12 mixed cans of Sierra Nevada on Friday evening and asked “Will that do for fathers day”.


Happy GIF


Don’t know how ye do it etc thank fack I’m long past the active parenting stage

I pulled it out of the fire @Brimmer_Bradley style yet again today. We were in Newbridge House in Donabate to meet friends so our respective kids could enjoy the playground and petting farm. When we arrived and I was about to commence my pre-Parkrun visualisation routine, it became apparent I hadn’t packed jumpers or light jackets for the boys, even though I said I would. Early morning sunshine replaced by cloud cover, drop in temperature, wind picking up. Our lads starting to whinge about being cold, older lad saying he wanted to go home and we were barely after arriving. Hang on I thought, there’s a little gift shop beside the cafe. I jogged back up from the playground and 7 minutes and €76 later I returned with 2-3 year old and 4-5 year old Newbridge House & Gardens hoodies. Huzzah! I don’t know how I do it in fairness.