The Daddy Thread

Jim wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes on here with that sort of attitude


Someone would have called him a fucking muppet.


They weren’t allowed open the letter until he was Gonzo.

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That’s lovely

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We don’t talk about Bruno.

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Great flick.

It’s been played to death here, on Alexa too.

Sing/Sing 2 every second day here at the moment

Encanto bro…

Massive here too. All the little wan’s favourite songs from it. ‘Girl on Fire’, ‘Shake it Off’ etc

Surface Pressure is a fucking stone cold classic. Great message in it too for the older kiddio’s.

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Pressure, like a drip, drip, drip that’ll never stop, whoa…

If she’s not watching Encanto she’s at nothing

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But wait, if I could shake the crushing weight of expectations
Would that free some room up for joy
Or relaxation, or simple pleasure?
Instead, we measure this growing pressure

Yeah, that’s got a few spins here alright pal

Daughter learned about the famine this week at school. She’s been banging on about it all week, obsessed with coffin ships and dropping in references to it all over the shop.
Something satisfying in it to see we’re not sacrificing our past completely at the altar of woke.


The scum IRA starving their own is a shameful part of our history.

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But is she blaming the brits? That’s the important question here

When my now 13 year old was a toddler she had a great pal at a playgym group she went to, they were inseparable at the group, had lost contact as they’re from the other side of town,
now she has a great pal in her new secondary school, was at our house the other night after school and her mum called to collect her,
You guessed it, amazing