The Daddy Thread

The smart kid picked the thicker option


The 6th class teacher in our school used to have a blackthorn stick. Luckily the cunt retired the year before I went into 6th. We continued with the 5th class teacher who used to have a stick called “Larry”

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Larry was doing the damage, not him.

We hid the stick on him once above the ceiling panels. He went apeshit.


Christ they’d wear you out.


Have you the pool out?

We were at the seaside so the morning was fine. They jacked up in the afternoon and nothing was good enough. I don’t know how I do it.

Only Wicklow Wolf can save me now.


The hardship of making memories. I filled the pool and left them at it. The dog is haunted from them.

Oh I’ll give them memories alright.


Must be in the air. Michael Bond cut a frustrated man when they started clamping down on the in-school timber.

Not right thread I imagine but hoping for.some.advice.

Am godfather to a child with christening this weekend.

Is there a standard gift expected? It’s a little boy in event that helps with gift choices!

Have you double checked that the child will be raised as a boy?

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You’re on the hook for birthdays, communions, confirmations etc for the next 20 yrs or so, that’s enough of a commitment

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The godfathers of mine didnt go too wild, I cant even recall tbh, but I think it was €50 in a card. The godmothers all went that bit extra, especially for the girls (jewellery etc to be worn when they got older), and I’ve seen my own wife do likewise for the kids she’s been godmother for. For me with the kids I’ve stood for, I’ve either done the few quid in the card or the county and or club jersey when the father was that way wired.

I’d agree with @raylan, but…if you wanted to go a bit extra (if its a nephew and you wont be standing for too many), set up a standing order, €20 a month to a savings account in the childs name. Hand it over on their 18th birthday, it’ll be a relatively tidy’ish sum that’ll be a bit of help to someone heading off to college. Better than any amount of shite you’ll buy them over the intervening years*

*you’ll probably still need to buy the shite.

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Do people still give silver money boxes?

I have no idea tbh.

You might get some sort of silver hurl ornament if you’re lucky.

The father not into hurling and the mother Lithuanian so don’t believe she’s developed the fondness yet…

If it’s on in Limerick you’re probably obliged to hire the horse-drawn carriage


Cash or something personalized… Can be anything from a blanket to an ornament little toy.

Maybe get the Google to tell you if theres a Lithuanian tradition to score major points

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