The Daddy Thread


I took myself and the kids off to Edinburgh a few summers ago. Handy airport, easy transfers, a big magic castle, perfect restaurants everywhere, ghost tours, zooā€¦weā€™d a lovely time.


We should definitely do that again.

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I chucked at that

I took the reprobates to their dentists appointment thereā€¦9.40. Then i took them for breakfast, now Iā€™m going to tell them i cant be bothered taking them to school only to face another school run in a couple of hours. Decision made but Iā€™ll thrash out some sort of bargainā€¦

Iā€™d be a tad embarrassed that my level of Irish is quite poor.

The little one seems to be getting plenty of it in school, and is loving it, singing ā€˜LĆ”mh, lĆ”mh eileā€™ etc. all the time.

She said ā€œmaith thĆŗā€ to me earlier. Am hoping she engages with the language more than I ever did and as she gets a bit older, I relearn a bit of it myself.


She went down to the school and walked all over them and came home with the first ā€˜student of the monthā€™ award. I told her that since the split season came in, nothing is won in September and I want to see eight more of them before the season is out.


Our little lad screamed the house down for his bottle there.

Then once he got it he becomes a placid, adorable little fella.

Seems to be developing well. :smiling_face:


Heā€™ll be a fine pintman in time to come.


Black cat, black kitten


Ex-Celt Tom Rogic announced his retirement at the relatively young age of 30. Reveals his familyā€™s IVF journey over last 7 years & says theyā€™ve moved back to Australia ahead of expecting twins next year. A very nice story indeed.


an alright sort

Fuck this clock change



Weā€™re in a state of total disarray. One of them came in at 3.30am last night thinking it was time to get up.


2 yo gone back for her nap at 9:30 earlier after been up since 5. Sheā€™ll be like an Antichrist at fireworks later. Thank fuck we didnā€™t go away

Roll with the punches lads, youā€™re all wonderful dads.

I pulled a fast one by heading back west with two of the three to see Nanna. Left the one year old behind with Mummy. She didnā€™t cop what I was at.

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Crafty fecker


Schools lads. Fucking schools. The Caps form went in. She didnt get a place in the secondary school we applied for. On the waiting list. Miles down. Now we play the waiting game for some fuckers sitting on 2/3 places for a few months. Mrs J looked like sheā€™d been shot. I looked like a lad who knew his missus would be stressed about this for months. I reckon sheā€™ll get in eventually but youā€™d never know. If she doesnt, im not sure what weā€™ll end up with. I know a lad whose kid travels to the southside every day cos he didnt get his local choiceā€¦