The Daddy Thread

Madame,and wifey, have been sweating for months over her application to loreto and she really had her hopes pinned on it, i thought itd be a no due to her neuro dovergence and dyspraxia, ADD and dyslexia. But she got her yes today in the post and shes delighted.

On the downside, shes going to go full honor ocarroll kelly


On the green, foxrock or dalkey ?

What are the selection criteria? Over here there is a state exam at the end of primary (eight years) and high school places are allocated to kids based on results/points matched to the points required per school based on supply and demand. There are also regional competitions in Polish, English and Maths where kids who do well are granted an exemption and can pick whatever school they like. A complete rat race. However…kids living in a particular part of town are entitled to a place in the local school in their part of town. But all the “good” schools are in the city centre, hence the rat race. A number of schools have a boarding facility to accomodate kids who live out in the country.

How is that downside?

Dalkey, natch for socodu

The mini rosses that start sniffing around her

Went through that shit as well

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Hope it works out ok pal. What a headfuck.


Different schools have different criteria. Our issue is we bought a gaff in a new estate. Both local schools are oversubscribed and have us down as outside their catchment. Each kid gets a form to pick their favourite but thats no guarantee. If you get a place, lots of parents sit on it as a guarantee until they get a place in the school of their choice. It’s like being in a chain to buy a house, but you’re very far down the chain…

. [quote=“balbec, post:4597, topic:30277, full:true”]
What are the selection criteria? Over here there is a state exam at the end of primary (eight years) and high school places are allocated to kids based on results/points matched to the points required per school based on supply and demand. There are also regional competitions in Polish, English and Maths where kids who do well are granted an exemption and can pick whatever school they like. A complete rat race. However…kids living in a particular part of town are entitled to a place in the local school in their part of town. But all the “good” schools are in the city centre, hence the rat race. A number of schools have a boarding facility to accomodate kids who live out in the country.


Our little lad got his first batch of vaccines today.

He’s in bad form due to them.

It’s hard watching him in distress but I suppose we’d better get used to it.


Tis all ahead of ya

@glenshane will be along shortly to berate you.

Good to see you’re doing the best for him. A tpugh watch all the same

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Our lad had his yesterday. Slept for 13 hours after. Checking if we get it done daily.


Rascal’s birthday party yesterday. We went bowling. I was throwing a bowl and felt a little bump behind me on the backswing. Looked around and there was the 3 year old running away. She had ran up behind me and got hit smack on the mouth with the bowl. Small bit of blood but she was inconsolable for the whole party which is unlike her as she has a long history of bumps and scrapes. On the way out then she got her fingers caught in the door. She says she’s fine but we caught her looking in the mirror this morning and feeling it. Badly swollen. She can’t eat either. I feel awful bad.


Has somebody informed Tusla yet?


He feels awful mate


Yanks talk funny