The Daddy Thread

Enjoy it sure. Paul Howard wrote a funny ROCK article there a while ago about school whatsapp groups. Reminds me on thisā€¦ big time :laughing:



Speaking of which, hoppers teachers at Christmas. What would be a reasonable gift (serious answers please)
Thereā€™s probably seven of them. Should the head and vice head and the office get a present too?
Please bear in mind that I canā€™t be doing with actual shopping myself in person.

That was a classic

Just wait until itā€™s almost decided and then wham! Let off that grenade


I thought your young fella was a teenager? If so, wtf you trying to do to the poor chap buying his teachers presents??


He is. Heā€™s in leaving cert. Should I not buy presents?

Pump the brakes Bigrig. Youā€™re only lining the lad up for unmerciful slagging

Absolutely not
Iā€™ve never heard the likes of that in my life

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I donā€™t know the done thing. We never used bring presents in at national school or secondary.

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National school and preschool thing only.

Thanks mate. :green_heart:

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Why, as a matter of interest?

Iā€™d say if you had him approach the teachers and say genuine thanks one to one, the teachers would greatly appreciate it. Nice gesture for him to learn to adopt too.

But buying presents is a road not to be travelled at this stage of his education.


Was going to send in a decent bottle of wine each, but Iā€™ll hold off thanks.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

One teacher, with the kid all day,
Is the simple answer

I guarantee that he/ye would be the talk of the staff room if you brought in presents

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Because they have one teacher that looks after them day in and day out (well, my lass has had about ten different sub teachers as well as it turns out). Secondary school you have a number of teachers and mightnā€™t have them every day. Just not the done thing.

Your young fella and his mates would be bush drinking by noon


There is that.