The Daddy Thread

Wife and youngest have it tonight

I’m done in from the cleaning

Waiting for my turn now


Poor Skye :cry:

That made me dry heave you bastard

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A couple I know just lost a full term baby.
Would have been their first after multiple rounds of IVF.

They’re both pushing 40 so whether they muster the courage and finances for another round is hard to know.

As paradoxical as it sounds, it’s a remarkable privelige to be able to post here about cleaning up puke and shite. :man_shrugging:

There but for the grace of God etc


At least Paw Patrol avoided the most of the damage

Happened my bro. One of the worst things imaginable really. Utterly devastating. For the woman to have to go through labour for a baby they know already to be dead is just horrendous. And It is beyond wrong burying a baby.
Not sure when this happened your mates but there is an amazing charity called feileacĂ in that help people who have had this misfortune. They are brilliant


Horrendous. Sorry to hear that

I was holding up my then baby cousin one night. Tossing him up etc.

Puked in my mouth and it wide open


Typical night in Askeaton.


We had our last puke about 3am
 All over my hands but at that stage it was just bile.

I still haven’t fallen so I’m thinking i might escape. The benefits of fasting and having good gut health have saved me


cc @Big_Dan_Campbell

Happened to my Bro in Law and his wife. Their second child of three. She’s still always remembered and her older sister took her name for her confirmation :angel:


That’s a great charity. The fathers have a fundraising football match every year to which I donate.


4 year old has eczema. When she gets sick it flares on her but it’s always there. Has her driven nuts with itching. We put loads of cream on her but last night she was screaming in pain when we werecputting it on.

Get short term fixes from GO but needs to be seen by a specialist. On a waiting list for public for months now. Can’t find private either. Anyone have any same issue? All private consultants either don’t see anyone under 12 or are not taking on new patients.

Sisters daughter has it. A fucking nightmare. The amount of quacks and other experts they saw over the years. She’s grown up now but still flares a bit.


I am aware of that charity alright. My brother in law’s wife gave birth to a stillborn child when she was almost 40. Three years later a healthy baby boy was born and is now six. As properly adjusted young lad as you can imagine - mad into football, well able to play the parents and generally very clued in for his age. And most of all - great craic.

Miracles can happen.


Well said.

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So sorry to hear that. It’s devastating. It happened to my best mate and his wife in similar circumstances. Do all you can to support them but it’s going to be really hard for a long time.

When the time is right and you chat to him float the idea of grief counseling will help as they won’t grieve in a linear way and many couples can break up.

I send a card on the anniversary every year to my mate and his missus. I was down in the house recently and he produced the box of cards - his wife keeps them. It means an awful lot to them to acknowledge their twins existed he said. My two lads middle names are their twins names.


My daughter gets it quite bad. All we’ve been able to do is try to manage it with creams etc. Also use the most gentle shampoos and body wash.

Not sure what can be done with it.

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Just wondering if there’s stuff she’s eating that she’s allergic to or stuff on clothes and bedsheets.

Diet can be a trigger also? . Might have to trial and error a few things to see what to stop eating.

Rubbing natural coconut oil on frequently and vitamin D can help.

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