The Daddy Thread

Iā€™ve had some mild eczema but it didnā€™t appear until my mid to late teens when a finger of mine nearly went septic (insert own joke here).

I usually only get it on hands, especially fingers. Got a bad dose last few months but had a steroid cream that cleared it up. The Elave hand cream is good too. Used to get a bit on my foot but not in years.

Use stuff like Ecover for washing powder for clothes. I noticed a huge difference when someone recommended me that about twenty years ago. Use their washing up liquid too (although Iā€™m not sure if the four year old is doing the wash). Stuff like Elave for shampoos, hand soaps, baths, etc.


Wasnt there a poster here who suffered badly from bad skin?

My wifeā€™s nieces had it really bad. They removed eggs from their diet which was hard as there is egg in lots of foods.

Some advice is to remove eggs and dairy from diet and see do things improve.

It does tend to get better as they get older.


Dairy and gluten can be big triggers but it could be anythingā€¦ Trial and error is probably the only way.

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My own little one gets it in places. Porridge oats in the bath tied into an old sock gives a bit of relief to her

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Fucking chicken pox flashbacks there. Horrific.

A few have already agreed that diet ie dairy for instance can be a factor and also washing detergents for clothes, the soap and hair products you use can contribute also. A little hope for you is that they may grow out of it.
There is a spa well in the south of France in a place called Dignes le Bain that has curing ability for the likes. We incorporated a holiday there once with friends for their kid a while back. It helped.

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Our fella had it bad enough when younger. Aveeno and keeping him in shorts and light T-shirts made all the difference for him, hopefully the good weather now will give your own girl some respite.


We use a bottle of Aveeno on her a week. I think she actually gets worse during the summer.

There must be some little rugbix bollix below in the creche as my young one is above in her bed belting out Irelandā€™s Call. Iā€™m beyond seething


Thatā€™s the Creche workers mate.

That song is so bad children love it. Up there with Alvin and the chipmunks


Factorisation. Iā€™d rather build her another toy kitchen.

A bloody mid term break in May in our place for the week. Iā€™m WFH, but the Mrs is home in bed sick on some kind of bad chest infection, so itā€™s on the go all day. Thankfully the weather is grand so I can fire her out the back for a bit and the occasional playground trip.

Anyway, thereā€™s a young lad in her class that came over to us there in the playground. They are now making some kind of a den in the park. Your man is trying to find the biggest sticks possible. My little wan is finding flowers to make it ā€˜prettyā€™. Your man has cut his arm and is delighted. Herself needed the toilet and he told her to go in the ditch. Anyway, itā€™s the usual auld story - the world of toys at home and all they need is a few sticks and stones.


Imagination you canā€™t beat it.

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They can feck right off with this May mid-term for the future

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Did any of you lot also have a recent school closure day or two for staff training in the new primary school maths curriculum (spelling?)?

A new way to teach adding and subtracting perhaps.


You would call the garden rules out like commands
And we would all obey
But youā€™d stifle giddy laughter as you spoke
And puncture the pretend
Then we would chase our tails, until the sun forgot to shine
And our parents called our names, 'til just you and I were left

Sleep windows.

Something I had never heard of before becoming a Dad and now itā€™s everywhere.

Do you subtract the old way or the new way?