The Daddy Thread

A fucking bollocks of a thing tbh Mac. I’m fairly lucky with the timing work-wise. If it was last week, I was fucked. As it is, we’d planned to head down to Limerick for a few days with the Mrs to follow on to get some work done, but stuck here now.

Agreed. Came down here for a quiet week and the fucking place is alive with children.

A fucking nuisance.

They sure are.


Our May midterm is gone next year.

I was quite happy with it as it suits for an early summer get away.

Doesn’t work for us at all. I can’t get time off until late June so it’s an absolute dose.

Mrs Locke has it all her life, curse of a thing. You just have to cope and live with it, no real fix to it.

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Are they finally adding wan and wan and getting tree?

Have just completed a day of international travelling with a 3 year old + 10 month old. I won’t quite call it a successful journey but shur look it we’re here now.

Estrella well earned.


Agreed @Mac I’m meant to be putting in the hours on the bike for my ring of kerry* cycle next week and ive spent the last week on holidays in Rome.


Ah lovely. Hope yer enjoying!

Heading to Innsbruck in July for a week. Anyone ever been with two under 4?
We’re getting the overnight train from Amsterdam.


Making memories,enjoy

I hope they sleep on it. :joy:

Did a week in Salzburg one July - unreal. All the ski lifts and stuff are still operational. Might be tricky with your two though.

There’s not a hope that they will! The youngest maybe but the eldest will be too excited.


We put down a grand session on the ball wall there, followed by a few bouncing and catching drills. She’s gone off picking flowers now, allowing me valuable internetting time.


She’s gone away to research constraints-based training cos Daddy’s from a different century with his ball-wall notions :roll_eyes:


:joy::joy::joy: it’s fucking bogball. Just kick and catch the fucking thing.


I can’t wait til she comes out with:

“You just don’t get it fella *(hai)”

*Wee county version


The coach said they’d to try and crack the wall so that’s what she’s determined to do :joy: