The Daddy Thread

Miss Rachel


I brought the 3 into a play centre this morning. Nice spot in Oranmore. Told the older 2 to head off and entertain themselves and brought the 18 mth old in to the terrorist area. He made a bee line for the play house and took squatter’s rights. I sat down and drank a coffee while he stood guard for intruders. An older girl made an attempt to enter and the little fcuker attacked her. I stepped in quick and dragged him out. The girl wasn’t bothered at all but her Daddy came in to make sure calm was restored. Bundee.


You’d want to be careful he doesn’t follow you out to the carpark

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The hopper had probably his last ever day of school.
We are now in a position where he gives me advice on how to handle my sister in the house.
A quiet and kind gent to his boots, and wise beyond his years.
I feel sick thinking of him going away.
The next two months will be some upheaval.
He didn’t get into any halls of residence in Dublin so I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do if he gets into college there and no halls come up.
I was thinking of a business plan actually.
Unlikely to be lucrative, but a room swapping plan where someone (me for instance) would put up some Dublin pikey free of charge if hopper could stay in their old bedroom in Dublin.
A we go there and they come here thing.


We simply don’t have the space having eschewed a trophy house & bought conservatively on the Parnell Park rather than Castle Avenue side of the Howth Road. But somebody like @Fagan_ODowd will surely be in touch to offer Hopper a room.


That’s a v good idea if you could find a swap

If he’s ever stuck, there’s a spare room up in Dundalk. Mightn’t be much use but there are buses and trains every hour down. Which college is he applying to?


Trinners of course my dear fellow.
That is a really kind offer btw and greatly appreciated.
I hope he stays in Galway tbh but he’s a townie at heart.


Ah lovely :clap:

Is Trinity the only place in Dublin he’s applied to Flatty?

You were getting a like there until the Dublin pikey bit. Stay in touch on this.


I’m not sure. I think he applied to DCU and UCD as well.

Speaking of which, there were very few dubs there yesterday, but honestly the Dublin hurling folk are the absolutely nicest people.

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Are you back in Galway now or still in the UK?

My good pal is back in Galway since april

Most are sound though we have our share of headcases. It can be tough going. A lot more bad days than good ones but that makes the good ones all the more enjoyable.

I wouldn’t be as pessimistic about Galway’s chances going forward. I watch a lot of underage stuff and Galway are as good as anyone. The younger Niland looks like he will be a generational talent and is a super athlete as well. This years minors have some very good players too.

Henry needs to go though.

Thanks. I don’t really mind tbh. The effort was there yesterday which is all you can ask. Henry hasn’t really worked. The only question is whether anyone else would have. I’m not so sure. Take Limerick out and it’s getting more and more competitive. Keeping the minors interested is all, and giving people a fair shake.
The squad Henry picked are still pretty much the standout players in the county championship, so he’s damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t to an extent, but his formation yesterday made no sense to me, and they watched Burke scoring for fun for too long.
It doesn’t look to me like even the backroom team are tight. The players seem to be though. You can tell from looking at the bench.

Have the little man’s Christening Sunday week. Church gave us an envelope for a donation. What would the going rate be? Think there is 2 others on with ours.


What does Hopper have down on his CAO choices or what area is he thinking of going into? The likes of UCC, NUI Maynooth, NUIG or UL could become options outside of Dublin depending on what he wants to pursue.

We had the same with our little lad.

The Church suggested 50 euro - I can’t actually remember if we just gave that or gave a tonne.

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