The Daddy Thread

Great advice bro.

Hope the lady is doing well

It will improve bud as he gets older, heā€™s at the age now where itā€™s going to be at its peak.



Happy fatherā€™s day gents. Tis my first one. Morning feed done so just downstairs having a coffee before heading off out in the glorious sunshine to a div 6 hurling game.
Lamb in the fridge which herself is going to cook under heavy Supervision.
Bottle of red on the rack for later.


Ah lovely.

Itā€™s Mrs Cauliā€™s birthday today so Iā€™ve been completely upstaged.


Sheā€™d be Tipp though?

Keep him at the running anyway

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Thatā€™s the nub of it really. So much expected from
Such a young age nowadays. Shur all you can do is help them, encourage them, and try encourage them to be good teammates and hope they develop a decent amount of resilience that will stand to them in life outside sport. I enjoy watching them play, Shur itā€™s torture in its own way but I like watching a young lad develop both as a player and as a person. They wont be winning all round them but theyā€™re making friends and hopefully have lads whoā€™ll have their backs in other walks of life off the field too.

After that itā€™s all a bonus.

Happy Fatherā€™s Day lads. Having a grand aul scone and coffee in bed here


Iā€™ve been involved in coaching teams of all ages for the past 15 years or so and believe me, it sounds like heā€™s doing fine. The click can arrive at any age and the best thing you can do is maintain their interest for as long as possible and play with them outside of the organised coaching as much as possible.

The hurling is a tricky one because of the coordination, but just keep plugging away. I donā€™t know your own experience, but it would definitely be worth asking one of the ā€œexpertsā€ from the club to take a look and see can they spot anything he could improve with the technique.

Not everyone can break down the hurling skills to a coachable level. It might sound mad, but with the parents permission, Iā€™ve recorded kids striking from the hand and slowed it down to show the parents what the child is doing wrong and how they might help them correct it. The video makes a massive difference.


First one here too.

It will be low key. Little manā€™s morning nap was much shorter than hoped so not a great start to the day.

I had a few pints yesterday so thatā€™ll do me,


Happy Fatherā€™s Day to all the wonderful TFK dads.

I donā€™t know ā€¦


:rofl: :rofl:

Got my first CĆ¹l Camps backpack this week. Feel like I can properly join this thread now as I always viewed them as the quintessential Irish dad accessory.

Look forward to using it on many lads weekends away in the future.


We had podium finishes in the 60m & 100m sprints at junior infants sports day the other day. We won the sack race, had a disaster in the egg nā€™ spoon relay (cheers for ruining our medal chances SeĆ”n :rage:) but rounded things off by comprehensively winning the long distance race (lap of the GAA pitch inside the gates of St Anneā€™s Park). Our junior parkrun experience told here as we ran a measured race from the gun & didnā€™t waver when others tried to upset the form book with surges & erratic sprints & pace changes. We went through the gears & picked off a few toiling competitors before striding clear impressively & winning at our ease.



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I brought juhy junior to watch united in april. Weā€™d to do a bag drop, leaving in our cul camp bags. The people in front of us had 4 cul camp bags. There were another father and son with 2 and another family just in front again with more. They are perfect ryanair bags.


You canā€™t get a holiday flight without seeing the cul camp bags. We use them ourselves.

A chill went down my spine reading that line. Iā€™d say Mrs Cove has a lot of ā€œaccidentsā€ in a chips shouldnā€™t bounce way.


Well that got dark!!

It was a reference to a recent spoiled leg of lamb situation!



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