The Daddy Thread

To be fair to the colleges, they are underfunded, BUT it’s hard to have them moaning and groaning when the UL mansion controversy leaks

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Are the govt not paying half what the college say is the course fee? When the €3/3.5k is paid by student, it usually states state paying the other 50% balance. A cynic would say colleges have inflated course fees to the level where student paying half just falls below the €3k threshold to claim back any tax on the fees paid.


You’re spot on here the 3.3k you pay in the fees section also include the capitation grant from the government which is 5k.

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Gwan so. The living the dream brigade awaits.

You’ll do what the missus tells you


Making out he’ll wander on some foreign adventure yet compliantly ensconced in Cork with barely a whimper :joy:


Whats the tax relief? Can you claim full amount against your tax?

They pay for water in other countries kid

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The nephew who’s going to UCD is an entrepreneur on the side. That along with working in a local hotel. He was getting the 350 a week during the pandemic as he’s over 18 plus he flips trainers on eBay for profit. He was well able to pay for his own college fees.


Masks too

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Keep him onside

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Which one?

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We pay in Ireland too kid.

Don’t forget the ice dolphins in CIT

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Sure who’d leave

Dead right it should be paid before she registers. WIT have to pay wages every week you know. Half the cunts wouldn’t pay at all if they didn’t insist on this.

That’s not the issue. The problem is that registration was no later than Monday and the information was only released yesterday. Like I said it wasnt a problem for us, but I guarantee you there are people out there who had to draw down loans, move monies etc and were probably at work when they got the phone call from the son or daughter. There was nothing stopping those details being sent last week and give people a bit of time to get their shit in order.


Anyone going to college probably knows they’re going there a few months or years in advance. The registration fee is the same everywhere. Keep an eye out for Christmas coming in a few months.