The Daddy Thread

You obviously havenā€™t been down that road yet. Best of luck when it comes.


Mike, anyone with a kid going to college is well aware of the costs.

Youā€™ve gone off on another one here.

Iā€™m not on about the costs Harry. Read the posts again.

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Itā€™s fast approaching college start time, of course people would be aware ffs

What was the turn around from CAO offers to registration @iron_mike?

Lads, I can tell ye straight off your kids will be able to start college without paying those fees straight away. They might give you an ultimatum but if the money is in by October, things are usually fine. After a while theyā€™ll start cutting off access to various things after while (online learning hubs, library, exam results, etc.)

Students have often gone a full semester into the academic year without paying a cent. It might be slightly risky strategy for a first year though


A week

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Theyā€™re operating in a small window. Iā€™m surprised anything got out at all.

College fees not an issue here, theyā€™re small still.

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Most colleges allow you to spead the payments across each semester.
I would in my fuck pay everything up front.

Little Johnny might drop out by Halloween sure?

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well done old pal
just saw that nowā€¦great news

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You were best paying for it like lads around here taking grass on the 11 months. Use the land up to October and pay in November after 2 hours moaning and whinging and the cunt drinking your whiskey while youā€™re wondering whether heā€™ll pay or not.
Itā€™s the framework of an education policy that should be trialled by Government.

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So my baby moves out today and into Waterford campus. Iā€™ve very mixed emotions here. Happy for her, scared shitless for her. I know itā€™s only an hour away. Didnt think Iā€™d feel like this. Thought Iā€™d take it all in my stride. Wife is in bits here.
Fuck me what a roller coaster


Youā€™re a great dad. She has to go and do her own shit now. She wonā€™t be gone long before sheā€™s back looking for a few bob and the clothes to be cleaned. You raised her well, she wonā€™t go far.


Iā€™ll have to do a stock take on my personal stash of tins of beans and pot noodles on a Sunday evening now before she heads off. One tin missing and there will be fucking war I tell you

Rent out her room.

Yup. Iā€™m thinking g of gett6an au pair for the dog. Wondering if the wife will sign off on it

Is WIT not strictly off campus for the foreseeable future? Is taking accommodation this year a complete waste of money?