The Daddy Thread

Practicals dude.

Ditto about to head to Tescoā€™s in Wilton and weā€™ll be Midlands bound by lunchtime. Missus is in bits not great myself either we are 3 hours away as well, fookit sheā€™s just moving to the next stage of life.


Tell her to be wary of the men from the meat factory.

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Ah well if she manages to secure a leg of lamb or a nice round steak for me every now and again itll be worth the risk

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Nope. Classes are on line alright but accommodation is ok. Plus sheā€™s has to be down there at least two days a week from middle of October due to practical work


Weā€™ll leave it at that sure

Best of luck @iron_mike and @Bod95


Fat finger syndrome

The house parties on college road this week will be off the chainā€¦ it will be like end of days carnage. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll be fine tho.

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Two of the good lads round here are @iron_mike and @Bod95

Iā€™m sure the decency ye display on here will be replicated by yer daughters. And itā€™s no harm to tell them ye will miss them.

Iā€™ll be a mess when the youngster here joins the army or goes to Ag college or jail when sheā€™s 18


@iron_mike is singing random song lyrics down the phone to her all day.


Not to mention the theme songs to various ads

My 2 year old was building a little Lego thing before bed and I was keeping an eye on him. Next thing it toppled over and, without taking any notice of me, he utteredā€¦ā€aw bolloxā€. A proud moment.


Youā€™ve been churning out the like bait the last few days, pal


My heart sinks when this thread gets bumped

Just dropped the little lady off to the childminder for the first time. Sheā€™s only going in for about 5 hours.

Weā€™ve gone a good 21 months or so without having to put the kid into childcare of any sort. The Mrs works more at weekends and my work is relatively flexible, meaning I can get stuff done in the evenings a lot of the time if herself is working weekdays, but we realised weā€™d need to get a childminder over next few months, for around a day a week. Itā€™ll be good for her anyway to play more with other kids (childminder has three herself and another one that she looks after). House feels very quiet now!


How did it go?

Our little man had a child minder come in which was grand but he started creche 2 days a week in Aug for similar reasons as yours - lots of tears at the start

Ah she seemed grand when I left (it would have been a different story if her mother dropped her Iā€™d say)

She looked a bit confused alright so hopefully all going grand. Sheā€™s only there from 10:30-3:30 today.

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Sheā€™ll be grand. Sheā€™ll be running in the door without looking back in a couple of weeks and the two of ye will be rightly miffed then.