The Daddy Thread

Ah sure she went straight into your wanā€™s sitting room and started playing with the toys in there. Thereā€™ll be no bother with her, to be honest. The Mrs was a wreck this morning :joy:

So what are you waiting for? You know weā€™re here for support and guidance but Iā€™d say youā€™ll work the guidance part yourself. Carpe Diem and all that.

Ah itā€™s a big moment to be fair. It will be good for her.
Stock up on the baby nurofen and panadol. Youā€™ll probably see her picking her a few doses as sheā€™ll be exposed to more things going around. Tis all normal though when kids start childcare. It helps build up the immune system.

Yeah all going grand so far. Yer wan texted the Mrs to tell her she was flying it

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One of the great unforeseen benefits of becoming at father means that I am now able to dig extensively into the back catalogue of pub songs I learned off during my hair oil days and get to gently beat out a few a handful of times a day.

The below are all in heavy rotation
Now Iā€™m Easy
The Boston Burgler
Spancil Hill
Rainy Night in Soho
The Night Visiting Song
The Ballad of Ray McCreesh
Victor Jara of Chile
The Dying Rebel
The Homes of Donegal


Sheā€™ll kick up a fuss about leaving and herself will be seething, wait & see.

Herself wonā€™t be there for collection today. Just me.

Itā€™ll do her the power of good that.


For an only child with no relations within 300km, sheā€™s a very sociable child in fairness to her.

I sing a verse or chorus from the following songs every night before bed with the 2 year old:

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Rose of Mooncoin
Iā€™m Forever Blowing Bubbles
Her own song that sheā€™s had from birth that your mother came up with.

I even have her clenching her fist and saying ā€œcome on you Ironsā€ at the end of the Bubbles song.

Kids are great :slight_smile:


The Boys of Barr na Sraide
Boys of Kilmichael

Were my go to lullabies.

Iā€™ll tell me Ma
Me and Bobby McGee
Mary Mac
The Green and Red of Mayo (Puts hand out to be slapped)

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Oh, she wanted to stay but had no bother at all about going home with her auld lad. She had a smashing day and is wrecked her sitting on the couch. Your wan said not a bother bar her climbing up on the kitchen table any time her back was turned :rofl:

I hate to ruin the feel good mood here. My CLP regularly sang Irelandā€™s Call to my first born, but with a slight alteration. She included his name instead of the word ā€œIrelandā€ where applicable.

Adam, Adam together standing tall.
Shoulder to shoulder.
Weā€™ll answer Adamā€™s call.

Deary me.


Rhinestone cowboy
King of the road
So you wanna be a boxer
The bould thady quill
Sunshine on Leith

Itā€™s like hypnosis. The little fella has just turned 6 and if you stick tightrope on his eyes start to droop immediately.

Things that are wrong thread

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There are a few TNHā€™s here this afternoon.


That Never Happened


Nothing gets the melatonin going like tales of an ambush