The Daddy Thread

Have you it hanging out of the light?

What age do you consider toddler to be?

Needy like her old man :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sorry mate, wasn’t referring to you, more of a general comment.
From about the age of 2 we (my wife) stopped the afternoon naps, ours never needed them but would take advantage of a car journey or similar to get a bit of shut eye, you could be up half the night with them afterwards.
Any opinions I give on parenthood are just ripped off from what my missus says/did

Once they hit 2 cut out the naps.

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I haven’t woke for diddy in a good while

Our wan has cut them out for the most part (she took one day alright) over the last month. She’s about 22 months or so now.

She’ll sleep better at night @Thomas_Brady when the tit is gone. We did it last year just after the 12 month mark. I stayed with her for a few nights and the Mrs slept downstairs. By night 3, she was sleeping through til 5 or so with me going in and settling here then. They’ll never sleep the night through when there is an offer of a tit, much like ourselves I suppose

All kids are different. Our near three yr old still naps for 90 mins at 1 o’clock four days a week.

Braces? My kid got fitted with these contraptions yesterday. It looks like torture; she can barely close her mouth, they’re painful, she can’t talk properly…she was in tears when I dropped her off at school this morning.

Is this normal?

Normal when they first go in but should be grand after a few days

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Sure whats normal these days

Blocks or tracks? Does she have the elastics too? Or are they even a thing these days?

You could start a thread with a question like that

Our wan has started telling us when she wants to go to bed: " bedtime, bedtime". She did it as early as 6:30 the other evening. Happy fucking days.
Getting her out of the cot, and into a bed, has been a gamechanger


You’ll learn yet, she’ll start off with let’s play piggy in the middle and in 3 months you’ll be in her bed while she’s cuddled up to Mammy. Bí cúramach on this one, a trap.


Blocks, tracks in 6 to 8 months apparently

The bands were a right bastard. Nasty business, but she’ll get used to it. The wax to soften the blocks used to help, despite tasting godawful.

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I had them about 15 years ago.

Painful enough for the first few days. Had a small elastic band on one side of the mouth which connected one of the top braces to one of the bottom braces so could barely open my mouth. Got used to it after a while though.

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Some bastard when they snapped :scream:

Trampolines lads. From the big man at Christmas. Talk to me. Brands to get/ avoid. Assembly time. Safety considerations. Maximum alcohol levels for adults etc…