The Dating Thread - Part II

I’m going to pm @Horsebox and see what course of action he’d recommend. Isn’t he to go-to guy for Internet/legal stuff?

In the absence of Ben, yes.

I’ve a one on the go here since this evening, she’s a teacher and she can’t get enough of it. I told she should be in bed at this stage, after midnight on a school night, but she’s still coming back. Sure i’m up till 3am i’ll be watching the NBA. Most of these teachers they’d be cooped up by 10.30pm. She’s called me a “wordsmith”, that i’ve “a good command of the English language” and she’s asking if i’m a journalist. :joy: She can’t get over it, these teachers their problem is they think they’re the smartest person in the room. And they’re so far inside their bubble it’s not funny, you can just run rings around them.


Drive it into her tonight.

She’s right. You have a great gift. Like @HBV you have a great way of describing things


I have an issue with privacy violations (including phone monitoring). Period.

How is the teacher coming along? @Smark

Once upon a time teaching was one of the most highly educated professions in the country. Now it’s only average at best, but they still carry that arrogance.

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He rode her with his words, that’s enough for him.


He made her cum all over her phone I’d say.


Still a handy number…out the gap at 3 clock everyday.

They’ve this and that stress my bollix…see them work in the private sector…they’re pay is fair enough if they can get a permanent position. Those been fucked over subbing etc is a different matter though.

Fuck me another private sector fanboy. Teachers have a huge role in the development of kids.should be getting more money.

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Why do you continually comment on matters you know sweet fanny adam about?

It is a handy number…don’t give a fuck what anyone says…you get the right school you’re away with it.

Once you know the curriculum…you’re basically reading out of a book…that’s the way a lot of my teachers treated it anyway.

It’s not really. I wouldn’t have the patience for it and i’d have the class half killed. Have taught night classes in IT courses before and you’d be physically fucked after talking for 3 hours.

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Good mate thanks for asking.

Ok in comparison to working in the tax office or HR in a city council your point maybe valid.

But in comparison to how cut throat private sector work is nowadays…I don’t see it…guaranteed permanent work for life…pension…2 or 3 paid months holidays in the Summer…it’s not that bad at all mate.

It’s like anything after awhile you’d be well used to it and it would become 2nd nature to you if you’ve anything about you at all.

Lesson plans every night for new entrants. Possibility of Inspector visits at anytime. Correcting lessons etc. Shit enough entry level pay.

Cushy alright.

June, July and August mate.

21k starting salary