The Dating Thread - Part II

Why do you continually comment on matters you know sweet fanny adam about?

It is a handy number…don’t give a fuck what anyone says…you get the right school you’re away with it.

Once you know the curriculum…you’re basically reading out of a book…that’s the way a lot of my teachers treated it anyway.

It’s not really. I wouldn’t have the patience for it and i’d have the class half killed. Have taught night classes in IT courses before and you’d be physically fucked after talking for 3 hours.

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Good mate thanks for asking.

Ok in comparison to working in the tax office or HR in a city council your point maybe valid.

But in comparison to how cut throat private sector work is nowadays…I don’t see it…guaranteed permanent work for life…pension…2 or 3 paid months holidays in the Summer…it’s not that bad at all mate.

It’s like anything after awhile you’d be well used to it and it would become 2nd nature to you if you’ve anything about you at all.

Lesson plans every night for new entrants. Possibility of Inspector visits at anytime. Correcting lessons etc. Shit enough entry level pay.

Cushy alright.

June, July and August mate.

21k starting salary

Is it really?
I thought it was more like 30k

Is 21k a bad starting salary?

Not since Croke Park / Haddington Road I believe

Ah it is after 4 years in college.

Don’t accountant and solicitors start off around that ball park?

In Dublin yes. In Rockcorry maybe not.

What’s the starting salary for an accountant nowadays in a big 4 firm?

I don’t want to run teachers down, but this entitlement shite annoys me.

Bumped to 50k - 60k when qualified aren’t they?

Ya, less even outside of Dublin, but they will move up rapidly once their training is done. I’d imagine any accountant of any use would go straight into a 40k job once they are qualified. Accountants with 2-3 post qualified experience can pretty much name their price at the moment. A teacher will be a very long time getting to 40k if starting off on 21k.

I’d imagine accountant and solicitor exams are much more challenging than reading nursery rhymes

3 months holidays. I’d cut the teachers some slack if they had the standard annual leave and were made do 9-5 clerical jobs during the school holidays, however they are not.


That’s normal over here in the UK and it’ll only get worse in Ireland if they start going down that road. €21k is fuck all if you live in Dublin.

But I would garner accounting and law exams are tough whereas qualifying to be a teacher isn’t.

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