The Dating Thread - Part II

I’ve deleted my tinder account

Have you met ‘the one’ pal?

This is a pity. It’s must be the first thing you’ve ever given up on having been over passionate about it for a few weeks.


Prostitutes are the only way, no hassle, no bullshit


Value for money alright.

Pay for your sex upfront kid. Anything else is a mugs game. It works out much cheaper than paying afterwards.

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Its the only way, dating is a mugs game

Just thinking back here to myself and iv just realised that iv never had a row with an escort, never heard them moan or nag me. Iv always been treated like a king before during and after I was riding them.
Unreal. Iv 2 grand cash in a drawer at work unaccounted for and was wondering how to spend it. Iv decided just now what I’m going to do with it.


Unreal. You are a great man. A gentleman if ever I met one

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It’s an interesting juxtaposition isn’t it? The conversation above between @HBV and @Tassotti and their work on threads such as the Roman Catholic Thread, or The Family Unit is Under Threat from this Agenda.

It’s not a problem fitzy, you just mumble a few incoherent words to a frocked lad behind a screen and party on. In my experience nobody is better at bending the rules and cognitive dissonance than the devout Catholics.

Ireland was a gas place in fairness. Ride all around you but outlaw contraception so conception is inevitable. Deny the right to vacuum out a few cells but herd kids into industrial schools and beat them like animals. If the lower class women get too uppity lock them up for life.


The Great Contraception Trial in Co. Kildare - 'hon Dr. Andrew Rynne!

We use the rhythm method of contraception, it’s bullet proof and doesn’t offend God.


Pull out on 3?

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I give her 6 of the besth.

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Any of the married/quasi married lads on Tinder would want to start getting their excuses ready:

World’s gone mad, there’s no fucking privacy these days.


@Tassotti did you ever notice that they’re mostly all mingers in the over 35’s category? Is this just a problem in Ireland or have you noticed this in the UK too? Whatever about the mingers who at least put their pictures up, its those that don’t that really irritate me. Gutless, sneaky bitches not wanting to put up their pictures and hoping to catch some poor mug unawares.

I wasn’t going to do this but today I screen-shotted a few profiles where the women in question have something obscure as their profile pics. In examples A and B these two haven’t actually posted any supplementary pictures, that’s it! There was another profile, and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t screenshot it, where your one had one picture which was of just a Golden Retriever lying across the floor. That was it. I presume it was her ex. There’s loads of other creepy bitches that have actual pictures of their kid or kids as their tinder profiles. Which is wrong on so many levels. But unlike them, who deem it fine to flog their kids faces over a dating app, I deem it inappropriate and won’t be posting any such examples.



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Ah for Jesus sake irish women don’t look after themselves at all.

Kate is a sick fuck