The Dating Thread - Part II

I appreciate your interest and support. Later I’ll furnish yourself and @anon67715551 with details kf the various encounters. I’ve a few cattle to feed in the meantime

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Give her the boogie
Hold off on the woogie
Don’t fuckin spoil her like

:grinning: :clap:

Reminds me of the auld song Biddy McGee


How long after were ye married?

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We weren’t but we went out for two years.

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Christ it’s a long time since I heard Biddy McGee. An old stager beyond the village would be called upon now and again for it and he never failed to enthrall the odd one who hadn’t heard it.
Like so many of them no longer with us. RIP…

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Well Mike, it was like this: upon returning to the car park I held open the door for the lady in question…proper chivalry on my part- standing aside and letting her pass rather than just letting her catch the door. It was a bit awkward truth be told. She offered thanks but I’d describe her tone and manner as bemused.
She made for the lift while I headed for the stairs…I hopped up to the top floor fairly sharpish, thinking about how much easier a fifteen year old glenshane would have found the effort…but I digress. Anyway, I was just tackling the final flight when the bemused lady appeared. She made it to her car unaided. She was driving some class of swanky Citroën. I climbed into my own vehicle and was taking a quick glance at tfk when yer wan appeared…ours were the only two cars on the top storey…(I always park there whereas she had done so because the car was new and she was nervous about parking it). Anyhow, she couldn’t get the Citroën started. I dandered over and deftly diagnosed the problem as being some combination of not having the handbrake on, the clutch in or her seat belt on. She thanked me and left me contemplating what an excellent impression she had left as the wind rippled and smoothed her long dress against thighs, waist etc.
But this is probably boring…I’ll only continue if it’s of interest …


After about 5 re-reads I’ve grasped the basics of this chance encounter.
This has some promise, you appear to have acquitted yourself surprisingly well, the age of chivalry isn’t quite dead yet - a big plus for you. Have you secured a contact number or was this the lady who fancied a boogie after a few liveners? Terrific work starting the car, my faith in you is recovering….

Are there plans for future dalliances?

Patience young fella. The decisive encounter was the most serendipitous, and the most unlikely. I’m not sure I can do it justice…and I forgot to close in the hens

I’m still intrigued. Was the car park incident at the end of the second of three meetings? I think you mentioned the third was the final meet.

There’s a mini-series in the making here - Stephen Rea as @glenshane and Andrea Corr as the mystery woman.
It’ll be set in the village of Straw with a few fleeting glimpses of Samuel L Jackson and his estranged nephew Paddy playing the errant Irish relative/playboy.


No. The third meeting was in the M1 Applegreen. I was standing in the queue for subway when I decided I didn’t need to be ating that rubbish. I opted for a lavazza coffee instead. There she was, ahead of me in the queue. She was a bit ‘cut’ as we say I’m these parts. I asked her where she thought we should sit…she said she was “actually waiting for someone”. I saw the opening to suggest that I’d arrived, but my mind stumbled around and instead I just suggested that I’d stop for a minute. We’d an awkward enough yarn but she handled it well…a few uncontroversial details about her day, a couple of self-deprecating remarks about how she was a bit of a clutz- with cars and keypads in particular. It turns out we have a mutual acquaintance etc etc. Sure you know yourself

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Hard luck…. Delete the file

This is what happens when you open up, when you’re not afraid to be vulnerable

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@Copper_pipe you could do worse than get along to the protests outside the Russian embassy


He’ll need to delete all the Two Johnnies podcasts from his phone.

He’ll get a preview when the 9pm RTÉ news comes on his iptv any minute now

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Broke up with the woman after 4 years (happily and amicably), just want to say, bumble is where it’s at lads.


Good luck in your endeavours. Sordid details of said endeavours always welcomed.

Sorry to hear that pal. What reason did she give for ending it?