The Dating Thread - Part II

I want a peaceful life


Keep well away friends from the she devils,
Nothing like coming in
Turn on the tv
Watch what u like,
Go to bed when u like,
Go where u want,
And return when ever u want,
FFS lads this dating shite, and relationships are both wayyyyyyy overrated,
Yeah the sex is handy on occasion but being honest the thought of tangling up again with an ol doll and putting up with bullshit just doesn’t appeal,
Looking back I now realise that if I didn’t have kids I wouldn’t have bothered my balls with women,
Too much hard work trying to appease the cunts at all times,
Fuck that.


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They could morph into this lads
Be aware

That teminds me of tangled up in blue by bob dylan. Poetic, powerful, full of wisdom and suffering.


Definitely suffering :blush::blush::blush::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
My only problem at one stage was I’d only one mickey,
Went from shagging all around me to not having been near a woman in about 11 years,
To the extent I met one in the Mardyke arena a few months back and I got the vibe she was fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:,
Swiftly informed her I was divorced,off women and a latent homosexual,
She legged it​:blush::blush::blush::blush:

I’m too selfish for commitment fuck that,
Freedom from commitment to an ol doll is bliss


Stay single then. :slight_smile:

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Relationships, dating, romance and sex is a mugs game. When you get plenty of riding done in your 20’s and 30’s, and the incessant need for it dies down, weighing up the pros and cons of sharing close quarters with an emotional ghetto blaster, whose tune changes every 20 seconds is a no brainer. It’s draining, and driven enough sane men to madness, not to mention homelessness and financial ruin. Once you have enough mates for social contact, loneliness won’t be an issue. You can enjoy the peace for the final decades of living. It’s enough having to live with the madness we have in our own heads without having front row seats to someone else’s for a lifetime.


Knew a guy in Derry ( Barber was his name from memory)
Married to a girl who was deaf n dumb
He still managed to fall out with her
So I guess M and female are just oil n water


Bravo compadre​:clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Then her menopause kicks in and the madness goes up a few notches.


Yeah, the lever stuck on ‘rage’ for half a decade. Bliss.


I went up the aisle twice
Married a Derry woman much older than me,
Then donkeys years later married a :romania: Romanian half my age :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
Same age as my eldest girl,
So talking about a fuckin old fool🙄
I caused and brought a lot of mayhem,
Murder with my own kids,
Etc etc
Between drink, politics, Republican melarky,
I was a looper for years,
Gave up the whole fuckin lot,


Without children a marriage is meaningless
My honest opinion,
Think we’re both selfish m and female,
Those who can’t biologically have kids it’s a hard one,
But having had adopted brothers and lots of foster kids around for years it’s a great idea to consider adopting or fostering

That can’t have ended well.

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Once she didn’t end up in a well.


No indeed
First wife to her credit welcomes my youngest to Derry regularly with open arms,
He stays with her,
Contacting his half brothers and sisters,
And tbf to my first gang,
They love him and always but always describe him as their brother younger,

My second one walked when he was young,
But she produced my pride n joy,
3rd year in UCC,
And alls great with him,
And his ma not too bad tbh,
I totally fucked up with her last April when we were having coffee,
“ I really loved you” she said
Guess what my response was-
Did u fuck, you were pregnant and trapped

Needless to say I greatly upset her,
She started crying and fucked me out of her house :roll_eyes:

I was only being honest but obviously could have said it with a bit decorum,
Hence - no more free haircuts
And the regular dinners stopped aswell :roll_eyes:

Our son tackled me over it,
Told me mammy is really upset dad,
No talk since,
More to the point I’m paying for haircuts and cooking :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Some superb stuff here. Despite all the feminism, the contraception, the equality, the pre marriage courses, the fatherly advice etc that we all grew up with…did anyone ever take any of you aside and say “listen lad, women are clane mental. They’re great etc, but they’re clane mad”.
Think of the marriages that would have been saved if fellas went in with open eyes, realistic expectations and a more sympathetic and resilient attitude.


Bog was mentioned at one time when she was looking for my share in my mams house in Bishopstown,
Sorted it by putting into an educational fund for my kid

Tbh I wouldn’t have listened
I followed my cock fir most of my wandering
Fuckin SINN fein Cork city was the reason I ended up in Derry :roll_eyes: