The Dating Thread - Part II

You won’t go wrong with a nice walk around King John’s Castle followed by a couple of drinks in The Curragower.


“She has some respect for herself” :smile:


Fair play sport.

I’m not too familiar with limerick to offer too much advice. Drink or two anyway to get over the awkward initial meeting. I’d advise against the cinema.

Be sure to report back…

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lads, I’m in the homeland here but the bloody thing isn’t updating my location, I’m mad to meet a 40 year old from west Clare somewhere

unreal, just be yourself, judging by your internet persona you seem to be very sound

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I can set the 41yr old from West Clare with the two kids i was talking to onto you? I have passed on her but she is there for the taking.

Careful with the 2 kid thing lads unless ye like spending ye’re afternoons in kids activity centres.

That said I’d imagine the like of @Smark @Tassotti would be great father figures and to be honest enter ing the fray with the kids half reared would add 10 years to your life.


You need to give us some more info, her interests, when this date is likely to take place, has she children, been married etc etc.

You don’t need any of that info to suggest a first date setting/activity pal. But anyway no kids in tow or not been married. Her interests i couldn’t tell you yet.

Nobody has good, novel ideas it seems bar @count_of_monte_crist who offered some sensible, if limited advice.

A spin out to a nice restaurant in Killaloe or Ballina is an option. Having a meal is a nice ice breaker as opposed to sitting in a loud Bar trying to talk in private. Women absolutely love to be wined & dined.
Also, it might give you an excuse to drive, stay on the dry & show off your gentlemanly side.

Best of luck.


Midweek in Limerick your options could be limited.
You could see if there is anything on in Dolans? A standup comedian might be a good option, it will put her in a good mood and you will have more of an opportunity to talk than at the cinema. Cobblestone Joes used to have live music every night and do casual dining like Pizza’s (which are very good), which would help keep things informal and relaxed. I think they have cut back on the amount of nights they have music now though.

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I know a fella who was an experienced hand at this dating lark and he used to advise against anything too intense like a meal starting off, in case ye don’t hit it off it’s very formal and ye are sat down a long while looking at each other. Good advice i think. I would be thinking meal for date two if date one went well @carryharry.

@TreatyStones i’m unsure about a loud(ish) bar or comedian, live music setting. It will limit talking time, which is the main point of this exercise, to get across how charming and affable i am and then it opens up plenty of possibilities from there. I’d almost like to keep alcohol out of the equation or at least severely curtailed and also want to make a point of keeping things brief enough so i have an escape plan if it is not going well.

Seems to limit my options taking wining and dining off the table. Can’t do a coffee thing as she doesn’t drink tea or coffee (freak alert?) so i’m thinking a short, light hearted, fun activity. Do people still bowl? I fucking hate bowling though.

Salsa lesson - session? Women love dancing. Surely some open dance clubs in Limerick. Her knickers would be saturated if you had the balls for it.

A couple of drinks midweek (not necessarily alcohol) in the Redhen or Old quarter would be my advise. It’ll be dead quiet so you can have a proper conversation with the lady.

Don’t over think it, be confident and enjoy yourself.

What’s wrong with you?

A first date salsa lesson?

Fuck off with yourself.


Never overthink it on a first date. Go for a drink. Zero pressure - if you hit it off then a second drink etc. Fancier ideas like dinner, dancing etc for subsequent dates.

My other tip is to have a first kiss strategy. Don’t let it become an awkward thing at the end of the night. Don’t not do it if you like her. Never ask. If the date’s going well and there’s good chemistry then kiss her. It shows you’re decisive, if there’s a good vibe girls like it and once you do (and aren’t shot down) the whole thing is just more relaxed.


We have Salsa. Ye have line dancing.


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I think outside the box, i think.

Some if the girls in the office are approaching the big 40 and still on the dating scene. Jesus, the female logic process is something to behold; they have determined for themselves what things mean and they are so bloody wide of the mark its not funny. One of them for example won’t reply to a text that doesn’t have a question mark in it because if the lad is not interested he won’t ask questions.

The other one was complaining that she had been on 4 dates with a lad and things appeared to be going swimmingly until he never contacted her after the 4th date. I asked her if shed put out for yerman and she said no, the loom on her face when I explained the 3 date rule to her.

Unsurprisingly they’ve been left on the shelf as they’re not putting out