The Dating Thread - Part II

I’m very disappointed that some cunt has lowered the tone of this fine thread.

We’re all rooting for you @Smark, fuck the begrudgers pal.


I thought you’d be having a bath by now Har?

I’m getting a lot of matches in the 45-50 bracket lads there tonight. I was also up north last weekend and it was far better. I had it on 34-45. Jesus I was getting matches every few minutes. Unreal looking birds too

Sow it into a few of them.

Jesus most women are full of shit

Tinder is hardly a personality barometer.

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Them Northern women would be dirty out. Did you talk to any of them? Did they ask you to send on pics of your langer or anything like that?

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No, they were very nice and I found and mad for chat, these southern women are stuck up cunts for the most past, full of themselves, apart from the older ones who are more desperate

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Tinder will be a topic on the Late Late tonight.

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got mugged off there by a big fat one


lads, always make sure to check the rest of the photo’s, even if you think she’s rotten, I notice a lot of women are idiots and have a shit initial pic


and always have a good range of pictures yourself, at least 5, of you in various activities, it might be worth having a professional one done for the main one,then have a sporty one, like you doing a marathon or something, one of you drinking a pint, and one of you playing with your nieces or nephews, that will tick nearly all the boxes that women are looking for


And one of you at mass, getting holy communion off the priest.


the main picture is the game changer I have learned, its vital, first impressions last, you simply have to have a good one, with a nice smile, do you mind your teeth? I find the standard of dental hygene is is a lot better in England and women look out for it, I had to drop a few grand last year, but it was worth every penny


How did she mug you off? Did you meet up with her not realising she was a fatty? Always, always make sure there is a full length body shot so you know what you’re dealing with. I don’t engage with any of them that are only head shots as it’s always a rouse when they do that, they’d be trying to trick you so be very careful.


that exactly what happened, but luckily it didn’t get to the point of meeting her, we were chatting away and I had so many on the go I never checked the rest of the pictures, jesus, she was massive, but the angle she had took her main picture at, made her look very attractive

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No my teeth are all over the shop but they’re all there for the moment at least. The women of Limerick and surrounding counties don’t care about that, they are not so picky as they are in London say or Dublin, and most of them have terrible teeth themselves i suppose so we’re all in the same boat.

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whats it like in Ireland there? there’s a lot of weird bitches here, that as soon as you get matched they delete themesleves, what thats about, are they attention seekers?