The Dating Thread - Part II

At least you know she is riding


Avoid like fuck pal. Life is complicated enough as it is without adding a kid into the mix.


Agree. Sure who the fuck in their right mind would take on some other fellas kid.
No doubt when smark would be settled in together with this slapper the previous sire would still be giving her a shot every now and again as they ‘meet up’ to discuss how little Johnny is getting on.
Avoid a League of Nations household at all costs.
Unless of course your a washed up desperate Walter Mitty type character who’ll accept any female that shows a slight interest in them. S

If you like her go and meet her. She was honest enough to tell you the truth. Its only a date. Its not like you’re signing adoption papers. .

Just meet her for a drink and see what happens.

@Smark, being the sporty type he is, will be aware of the term "with foal at foot" and relevant connotations.
Tell her you’re going to the Middle East or even France :wink: with work for a while and end the issue.

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Go on the date for fuck sake. She is not going to get to sign up to a life partner/take on my kid contract on the first date.:grinning:

if you just want sex then tell her that. she is not going to find a life partner without going through the meaningless sex bit first, you know that and you can be sure deep down she knows it too.
some of the greatest and purest relationships the earth has ever seen began with meaningless depraved stranger sex.

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@Smark Will you man up for fuck sake. If you like her go out on a date.

The lady has a kid . So fuckin what. Don’t be a prick all your life.

@Smark is like one of these chicks that analyses every text for hidden meanings. Over thinking everything. Let your cock lead you instead of your head. Way more fun


Just came on for a bit of advice and had not stated either way how i would proceed next so how about you reign in your aggression mate.


Smark “omg guys she didn’t reply to my last message for 23 minutes now what should I do my life is over I’ll never find love :tired_face:

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Jesus. :rollseyes:

This is TFK mate not Dr Phil.
This is the last place dating advice should be sought.
If you are looking for a place to solalise with lonely broken middle aged men …you have hit the jackpot.
Get a hold of yourself. Ring her right now. Book a baby sitter and take her oit tonight


This is exactly the place any advice should be sought.


Agreed, you whiny bitch

How’s your love life going mate? Are you still sitting on that park bench at lunch time getting boners while the mammies push their prams around?



Would you fuck off clogging up the board with your lies you little weasel.

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sitting there on his own in the park with a massive horn on him ogling other mens women and writing letters to his ‘penpals’.
dirty little fucker.