The Dating Thread - Part II

Kissing and handholding, that’s enough for most of us


Just doing a bit of research on the old cousin scoring and came across this. Looks like cesc4 has been scoping this out for a while.

"Dear Alice,

What are the pros and cons (legally and morally) of dating your 1st cousin? To make a long story short, my cousin and I became close friends, then fell in love with each other. We have that “don’t care” attitude on what others say or think about our relationship, but are curious anyway.


Dear cesc4,

Negative reactions to cousins who pair off stem largely from the belief that children from such relationships may have physical and/or mental abnormalities. Newborns with genetic disorders such as spina bifida or cystic fibrosis are more likely to be born of blood relatives because previously unexpressed recessive genes are more likely to appear. First cousins are two-times more likely to bear offspring with a birth defect than children born of couples who don’t share a common grandparent. If cousin couples happen to be carrying known genetic diseases, the risks faced by their offspring can jump. Experts say 1 out of 4 such children will have some sort of disorder.

Legally, you can date and be intimate with your first cousin, but if you are considering marriage, laws vary by country. Some countries require proof that at least one potential spouse is infertile. You can find out more about family law in your own country by contacting a legal services office, a law school that offers legal services to students and the public, or searching on the internet. You can also look it up under “marriage” or “domestic relationships” in the legal statutes for your country.

Regarding your question of the moral consequences of dating your first cousin, it’s up to the two of you to know what your values are, what you’re thinking about for the future, and what’s best for you as individuals, a couple, and a family. As with all moral decisions, this is a personal, but complicated matter, given societal norms and the many who see cousin marriages as taboo. If you are considering having children together, it makes sense to seek genetic counseling. A genetic counselor is a nurse or doctor with special training or expertise who will perform tests and learn about you and your partner’s family history. With a clearer picture of the risks your offspring might face, a counselor can help you reach a decision that makes sense for you, your partner, and if you choose to go down that path, your children as well. You can learn more about genetic counseling by visiting the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. For more general information and studies on the effects of blood related unions, visit the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation web site.
All that said, it sounds as though you and your partner have found something special in each other. You say you have a “don’t care” attitude, but you are smart to ask about the risks — legal, moral, and medical. No one knows where your dating relationship will lead — but it’s good to be aware as you explore your closeness and make choices."

The google search returned 2,230,000 links. Perhaps this twisted past time is more common than we think.

Maybe the rest of us are missing out by limiting our quest for love to non relatives?

Stupendous scenes in South East Ireland tonight. Forumite A was out since 3pm with a group of freaks he hangs around with. He spent a good 8 hours chatting up one gamey bird in particular.Meanwhile, Forumites B and C were watching Celtic-Feyenoord up in Forumite C’s gaff and only pissed off down Wexford town after 9pm. B + C were barely in the boozer when A and his target came over to chat and the next thing B was wearing the face off her! A was fooking raging! A superb long distance strike from Forumite B with Forumite A left utterly helpless!

Then Forumite C walked a girl home and kissed her on the LIPS. On the fooking LIPS. And C scored a whale at the jamboree the other night. Who says C doesn’t have it anymore? Who fooking says it?!

Ah Forumites A and B. Tremendous fooking scenes.

Wouldn’t be the first time Jugs missed an open goal…

[quote=“Bandage”]Stupendous scenes in South East Ireland tonight. Jugs was out since 3pm with a group of freaks he hangs around with. He spent a good 8 hours chatting up one gamey bird in particular.Meanwhile, Stevie G and I were watching Celtic-Feyenoord up in my gaff and only pissed off down Wexford town after 9pm. We were barely in the boozer when Jugs and his target came over to chat and the next thing Stevie G was wearing the face off her! Jugs was fooking raging! A superb long distance strike from Stevie G with Jugs left utterly helpless!

Then I walked a girl home and I kissed her on the LIPS. On the fooking LIPS. And I scored a whale at the jamboree the other night. Who says I don’t have it anymore? Who fooking says it?!

Ah Jugs and Stevie G. Tremendous fooking scenes.[/quote]


How fooking dare he get in the way of something beautiful. She could have been the one. I had our future all mapped out. I was ready to sign the contract for a long term relationship. I thought 3 months of hand holding followed by 2 months of kissing, followed by 4 months of spooning and heavy petting, followed by the real thing. Yes, marriage. Two children (boys)…I could go on. There was me deciding what colour tiles to put in the bathroom of our new house when in the blink of an eye my whole world crumbles, heart cruelly ripped from my chest, thrown to the floor, stamped on, pissed on, shat on by the rat that is stevie g. He is a cunt. I hope he caught a dose of the clap. And chlamydia. And genital warts. And that other one that bandage has on his cock (name escapes me). Bandage incidentally is not far behind. He stood idly by and watched the terror unfold, laughing, guffawing, chortling at my plight. He is a semi cunt.

I need to take some time off to get my life back on track.

Need the advice of the forum on two dating related matters. Firstly a brief history - was dating a bird for 5 years, broke up with about 6 months ago so I’m still somewhat out of practice on the dating scene, in a few textual relationships but nothing significant. Anyway - need advice on the below:

Item 1: Met a bird in Coppers about a month and a half ago, usual crap in there but didn’t go back to hers after it, can’t really remember how the night ended to be honest. Anyway, started texting her about two weeks ago but the problem is I’ve no idea what she looks like, do I risk meeting up with her again? Bear in mind I have no personality whatsoever so if I meet her and all is not well I will not be able to carry on any conversation. I’ve debated the matter with Ledge who has told me a horror story of his own involving running out of Eamon Dorans 10 mins after meeting a bird in a similar situation. I’m also very picky.

Item 2: Texting/meeting up with another bird a bit, she’s a genuinely nice bird but don’t want to get serious with her at the moment. Is it ok to be using her for a bit of T-Rex? Feel a bit bad given she’s a decent sort.

I’m really looking for Jug’s advice here to be honest.

P.S. none of the above are strippers.

[quote=“briantinnion”]Need the advice of the forum on two dating related matters. Firstly a brief history - was dating a bird for 5 years, broke up with about 6 months ago so I’m still somewhat out of practice on the dating scene, in a few textual relationships but nothing significant. Anyway - need advice on the below:

Item 1: Met a bird in Coppers about a month and a half ago, usual crap in there but didn’t go back to hers after it, can’t really remember how the night ended to be honest. Anyway, started texting her about two weeks ago but the problem is I’ve no idea what she looks like, do I risk meeting up with her again? Bear in mind I have no personality whatsoever so if I meet her and all is not well I will not be able to carry on any conversation. I’ve debated the matter with Ledge who has told me a horror story of his own involving running out of Eamon Dorans 10 mins after meeting a bird in a similar situation. I’m also very picky.

Item 2: Texting/meeting up with another bird a bit, she’s a genuinely nice bird but don’t want to get serious with her at the moment. Is it ok to be using her for a bit of T-Rex? Feel a bit bad given she’s a decent sort.

I’m really looking for Jug’s advice here to be honest.

P.S. none of the above are strippers.[/QUOTE]

Thinley veiled ‘I’m in love with a stripper’ post by Tinnion.

Item one is a no brainer, given you were pissed, in Coppers and desperate I can safely say that this bird you can’t remember will not be a stunner. You are picky after all.


Item 2: Texting/meeting up with another bird a bit, she’s a genuinely nice bird but don’t want to get serious with her at the moment. Is it ok to be using her for a bit of T-Rex? Feel a bit bad given she’s a decent sort.


Depends on how she feels, doesn’t it? Then again, there’s no telling when a drought will strike so I say take what you can get when it’s there and sod the morality of it all.

Have a feeling she doesn’t just want a bit of T-Rex, prob more. F**k these morals of mine, I shouldn’t even give a shit about her.

Do I know this one Tinnion?


Think you do Farmer.

Check your PMs

Check your own.

Have you seen Magnolia? “They’re not your friends. You think they’re going to be there for you?”

Just remember that.

I have never met her but have heard you talk about her.

Did you not say she was the love of your life at one stage?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I have never met her but have heard you talk about her.

Did you not say she was the love of your life at one stage?[/QUOTE]

I’ve said a lot of things Farmer.