The Dating Thread - Part II

As long as teachers get 3 months paid leave, then people will be off in their flocks to join it. There are no shortage of teachers in Ireland which tells you all you need to know, people just love the idea of getting paid to do frig all. The reality is most teachers will have their full hours/paid holidays after 3/4 years unless there is a huge overflow if teachers will basically tells you all you need to know

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The fact that you have to tell us you’re the master debater around here speaks volumes. Your lack of knowledge of what teachers actually do also speaks volumes, you clearly didn’t pay much attention at school.
Imagine this - imagine your client / customer / stakeholder / whatever in your business - you have to give them some bad news, a project delayed, a product not suiting the capabilities they need, an additional cost not set out in the RFP. Imagine then having to take them for after business hours training, while also having to listen to their parent’s giving you shit about it.
You haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, as usual. You’ve started an argument without the full facts (as usual), taken a position and not willing to listen to people who do actually have knowledge about it, all the while consistently demeaning teachers for the work they do. The oceans of work they do.
I feel sorry for the teachers of the children you will one day hopefully have. You’ll be a real prince to them I’m sure.

Oceans of work to do? :grinning:

I am a master debater, you trying to distort the facts here expose you as a holocaust denier and bare face liar who is not in interested in the facts but only executing your bitter agenda.

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Christ, out comes that old favourite of the beaten docket, the Holocaust denier. You keep telling us, or yourself, you’re a master debater pal. I’m sure one of us will believe it.

Holocaust denier in denying reality shocker.

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Out-of all the people on here with thousands and thousands of posts during hours of 9 to 5 how many are teachers out of curiosity?


Can posters reign it in please and get back to Tinder episodes and chatting birds up in pubs and the likes. This is the Dating Thread, Part II ffs!!

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Love is a battlefield.

young females are flocking to teaching nowadays because the hours are handy enough and the holidays are unreal and if you get a permant position and your ovulation timing is decent you can plan your maternity leave around the school term then itheres a decent chance you can spend 8 to 10 years working 6 to 8 weeks a year on full pay.


Hurlers who want to dedicate themselves to their sport while still earning a living also go down the teaching route. Loads of holidays and your summers off, sure they’d be mad not to.

I’m not sure about footballers…

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I’ve been waiting for a girl like you to come in to my life… Yeah i’m waiting, for a love that will survive.

She’s not on that, do you think this is a starting teacher, a 21-22yr old? I’m swimming in an older age pool my friend.


Be careful out there lads

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@HBV is escorts Ireland reliable? Fancy a bit of crumpet so I do

Treat yourself my friend. You’d get serious bang for your sterling over here now in the punting game.
It’s reliable enough but if I can steer you in the best direction then I’d be delighted with myself and for you also.

There’s a bit fat one in Ennis that I’d love to have. A Bbw from Denmark

Let me have a look.

She looks gorgeous but doesn’t allow reviews. You’d probably give her a good paddling alright but personally I’d steer clear.

@Tassotti have you looked at @English_Emily,

She looks lovely.