The Dating Thread - Part II

I would rather be single for life than shack up with some spiteful bitch just to fit in with Irish values.

I wish you well efriend.

You hooked up with a KK farmers daughter you met at a Macra Festival. I’d keep my snout shut if I was you.

Is she pretty?

Is she kind and ladylike?

Can she cook, wash my clothes, carry out household duties effectively on a daily basis and supply me Argento and Scarto without too much effort on my part?

If she can, then I am willing to overlook that.

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When i was in secondary school myself and two classmates composed a letter to 2fm for an evening segment called ‘This is dedicated to the one i love’, it was huge at the time, many my vintage will remember it. we included various anecdotes about a girl recovering from a life threatening illness only to find herself paralysed in a car crash but we still loved her etc etc, it was read out (i forget the DJ, maybe somebody will remind me, it was on after the Hotline with Tony Fenton) and we had our request played. We were fucking thrilled, it was the talk of the school and fellas thought we were great.
But it was a load of bullshit, that’s what @Tassotti’s contributions to this thread were like.


Well at least she was sober

Dave fanning used be on straight after the hotline I thought?

Dave didn’t fall for your messing anyways

Below the belt, pal.

True, it must have been the ten o clock show, guarantee somebody will remember it, I’d say it was the biggest segment on Irish radio at the time.

I was going to say you started it but you didn’t in fairness.

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Good now I can’t complain…


Good stuff, few months at least now?

The music I posted was the song they read the letters out over

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Who was the DJ, i remember the Mamas and Papas song ‘dedicated to the one i love’ was the intro, i had forgotten the St Elmos Fire bit.

In the region of six months I would say. Thanks for the well wishes and the cheap likes I have received.

Anyone ever date an Alanis Morrissette fan back in the 90/00s?

Aidan Leonard or Mike Moloney

Still more entertaining than yours though.

That’s my fucking point you spoon.
It’s easy to be entertaining if you make up a life for yourself, i could rehash a load of Hustler readers letters quite easily. Any fucking eejit could. It’s a little more difficult when your a real person in the real world.