The Dating Thread - Part II

Head shot…

:joy: LOLS

You just don’t get it fella.


I’m truly humbled pal. I’m a fairly good looking, athletic, witty, intelligent and interesting chap though, so low and behold I’m well off the market at this stage, married two years to an angel of a lady who is a cracker, so sorry buds, no interesting/made up stories from me on the dating scene… Apologies.

As an aside though, does any former AFR poster remember the belter of a thread over there about this lad who was seeking advice on leaving the country after being caught riding a married bird?! :joy: Jesus twas top class, was that poster one of ye lads on here wumming?

Obviously not because this is at least the third or fourth time you’ve said that exact thing. Now I don’t expect you to fill me in but I’ll ask anyway. What is it that i just don’t get?

That you shouldn’t keep replying to them?

But then I’ll never know what I just don’t get :disappointed:

I was thinking more in terms of the general mental welfare of the rest of us.

You are obviously a bright enough chap, but you seem socially stupid which is common enough for people into taking photos of shoes, trainers, flooring & plates of food. The yearning for likes is also an issue but you’ll grow out of it in time.


@Smark will you be inviting your e-friends to the wedding?

By Skype

I’m glad it worked out mate.


If I get my way, should the time come, the wedding will be an extremely low key affair and not conducted on Irish soil. I could do it in a registry office in Mexico or with one witness pulled in from the street for example. She was told this very early on when she was gushing one time about her friends elaborate wedding. You’d want your head examined doing the traditional Irish wedding - 300 peoplebmost of whom you don’t know or you despise toasting your union with a bowl of vegetable soup and spuds and meat after, before dancing and drinking the night away in the likes of the Adare manor. And it’d cost you 20-30k for the honour. No way.


that’s quite an achievement kid and something you should be very proud of

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For attn: TFK spare pricks :heart::joy:

Don’t feel under any obligation to get married, mate.

Only one like in six hours isn’t a great return for an attack on me mate. People must be fed up of it?
It’s a bad post though to be fair, what does socially stupid mean on the Internet, my life is away from here. Why did you include shoes and trainers?
Oh and you set up the new ravenous thread you imbecile, were you hoping at the time that nobody would post any pictures :joy:

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You’re on here every minute of the day and have clocked up over 3000 posts in a few months. I very much doubt you’ve got a whole lot going on. I think you’re alright, but grow a pair of eballs and man up a bit. Also, stop using up all the emojies, there’s a limited amount of them and you throw them into every fucking post, especially that crying one. :cry:


@artfoley can you send the white vestments over to @backinatracksuit ?


Why are you taking some friendly advice so seriously?

As @balbec said, you just don’t get it fella.

Bout time you copped on to yourself.

PS, you are definitely a socially stupid cunt.