The Dating Thread - Part II

You brought her for dinner in the Gingerman? That’s an aul dingy pub down a backstreet

@backinatracksuit is alright. Leave him alone ye cunts.


That’s a top top post.

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Fair cop, 3k posts since January does sound fairly shocking, I would have guessed about half that.

1500 totally inane boring ones if I’m being honest. Up your game.

I can’t do that. I am what I am and I’m fairly sick of your shit at this stage.


Harry, give him a break for fuck sake.


Harry is an awful bully

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Harry is a wanker.


We saw how smart he was when Kev softened his cough for him

The likes of you and @myboyblue are a forum owners dream.

I had a little look around and you can see how many posts etc users have made in the past year, I know I’ve only been around for 3/4 of that but I’m fairly well down the list, @myboyblue is a machine and you’re barely behind me yourself taking the time we’ve been here into account.

I wouldn’t be explaining myself to a pig such as your man. Tell him to go shit in his hat.

I’m a nice guy mate, that’s most of the problem.

You can be a nice guy in the real world and a cunt on here. Works for me. This was Tim Berners Lee’s vision.

You are catching on fella…:wink: :+1:

It’s awfully hard to pick sides in this ongoing @carryharry and @backinatracksuit feud. I personally despise both of them.


Simple really, @carryharry is a Tipp cunt.
@backinatracksuit is sound.

There is an awful lot of lads pretty certain I’m from Tipp as opposed to just living here.

What gives kid?