The Dating Thread - Part II


@The_Toxic_Avenger avenger is a man I have the utmost respect for.

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I like him as well he has great potential and I will be following his development here with interest. As I will you. I think the two of you have real bright futures here.

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I’ll be in Spain for a few weeks. I think I’ll fire up the auld tinder and see how it goes

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It would be incredibly stupid & ignorant not to. Spread thou seed.

I noticed when you don’t be on it for ages. The first woman you like on it you get matched up with.

holy fuck lads, is unreal here in Spain, Unreal

And you’ve even had a wash today (while pissing in your trousers admittedly), things are looking up.


Tinder this. Facebook that. I’d love to throw some of ye lads back 25 years when you had to work for a bit of snatch.

I can just imagine the fat loud mouthed 54 year old dyed blonde types from Bradford and Durham and the likes, divorced and off on holidays with 2 of their friends who are in the same boat and all 3 will end up riding the same low self-esteem type fella for the week while drinking cheap cocktails in ex-pat karaoke bars. Vile.

That’ll do wonders for that lads self esteem in fairness.

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Wish you were here?


quick lads, I need a few lines here pronto, no messing, what do i say after “hola”?


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Drop your trousers [quote=“Tassotti, post:1193, topic:4132, full:true”]
quick lads, I need a few lines here pronto, no messing, what do i say after “hola”?


Drop your trousers. That should, do it

im onto to one here and I haven’t a clue what she is syaing

Show her all your posts on here on your phone and you’ll be knee deep in clunge before you know it

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me coniserdio una persona sincera, alegre, educada, carinosa, independientie, con valores y sentido del humour, una chica sencilla


me gusta conocer lugares nuevos y gente diferente que me aporte otros puntos de vista de la vida

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four sick bastards liked that.

I’m surprised you’re surprised