The Dating Thread - Part II

I’m saddened by it.

Stay away from the roughish birds thread so

Are you visiting any whorehouses while you are down there kid?

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Was waiting for a taxi back in May from Manchester airport and I saw those three women. Couldn’t get to the smoking area close to the taxi rank quick enough. Vile is not a strong enough word…

It’s sad really. And what’s worse is you have lads with failed work careers and failed love lives who can only afford to go to these places in October, the self esteem is on the floor and the alcoholism doesn’t help, and next thing they know they are riding 20 stone 58 year old chain smoker Shirley from Bolton for the week.

Pray for @Tassotti


Twould take you a week to find your way out.

Awful night of it last night bud

Hed want to be scourging himself with jeyes fluid when he get home as well

Ah it’s awful. The same lads will arrive back home then to tell everyone they had a great time when in fact they spent half the week drunkenly mounting Shirley, pushing the rolls of fat up out of the way before carrying out the meaningless empty and utterly shallow act. Bressie should be helping these lads out.

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By holding back the flab? He’s as qualified for that as he is for mental health.

Is that picture painted with your imagination brush or from memory?

I’ve only ever rode high quality you cheeky bastard.

Well at least you’ve proved you’ve managed at least one ride😊

A proven sire boss! :joy:

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Proper order. The All Men are Bastards gang were seething.

**[quote=“Chucks_Nwoko, post:1216, topic:4132, full:true”]
Proper order. The All Men are Bastards gang were seething.

“Right wing cliché bingo”

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It’s safer on the sidelines these days.
cc @HBV - be careful with yourself fella

the likes of @glasagusban would be the danger here, single lads going into manky nightclubs every saturday night getting rotten drunk and riding filthy slappers they never set eyes on before.
im in a loving relationship and outside of that i only practice safe sex with companions of a like mind.