The Dating Thread - Part II

Only the asexuals are safe. :slight_smile:

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The country is utterly amoral and debased .


The whole world is fucked. Full of weak cunts. Physically and Emotionally.

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Have you tried this app @Tassotti?


The girlfriend has suggested we go an a “break”

How do I save this ship from sinking

I’d move on mate


A city break or something more exotic?

A break? Sorry to hear that, mate… I won’t sugar coat it, it’s either on or off, mate… There’s no break. Whatever you have to say to her, say it, but don’t be kept strung along while she’s playing whatever game she’s at.

Be honest but don’t be a mug.

Best of luck kid. PM is always open.


Is it worth saving?

Yes mate,that’s exactly what I said

If she wants a break, give her a break.

No other way to play it mate.

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I’ll wait for @caoimhaoin ‘s advice before I comment.


Give her the break.

Stay calm. Walk away and tell her give yoy a call when she has had some soace and you’ll see how you feel when she gets back to you.
do not let her believe that she is the only woman in the world for you.
Tell her you might be disappointed if it does not work out but we are both adults and sometines timing can be off.

Do not fucking call.

Eitger way you win here fella.

You get back a woman who will have untold respect for you, you will feel good about yourself and if she does fuck off for good better now than down the line.

Not everyone is for us.


See above


I want to save it. She’s moving a bit away due to college but its not a mad distance. 90 minute drive. Shes gonna be on placement for the majority of next year and will not be coming home very often. Im lucky to see her two days a week as it is during the college term. We live 30 mins apart at the minute. Her argument is we wont see each other and its not fair on either of us she says. She’s gonna be busy with college stuff as it is her final year which I understand, I had to do it myself last year. I’ve her told i’m willing to put in the effort but she reckons the break will do us good and she says we’ll get back together once shes finished her placement in the summer. Im worried that wont be the case.

How long are ye going out ?

Nearly 4 years.

To be brutally honest, if she’s on this train of thought there isn’t going to be much you’ll be able to do to change her mind.


Sorry mate but this is going down like one of your eastern European football tips.

Walk away with some dignity.