The Dating Thread - Part II

I would walk away with dignity now fella.

You sound young going by description of college etc.

This might sound cruel but i am saying it for your own sake, but she has already moved on. Ye are no longer together and as of now she does not see a future. She just does not either have the balls to say it or is afraid of hurting you and hope you get the message in another way.

Life lesson right here.

And it does not make you any less of a person in any way. Someone not accepting your love is almost always due to their own fears.


Just get on tinder and move on. If she wants you back she will come looking in due course

“it’s not fair on either of us”, well, I’d be wary.
I’ll post my true feelings on this line in due course.

Don’t agree with that miving on strategy for lads.

Leaves shit unresolved.

Go talk to a good deep mate or a sister or something. And don’t look for abything for a few months. You’ll only end up carrying mistrust or insecurity from last relationship into anything.

If he was 40 maybe. This was probably his first girlfriend. Id be inclined to get it out of my system anyway

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I think I know where this is heading. Go easy on the young fella

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Or get a young wan into a vault. Dirty cash!

I’m 22 FWIW

This is good advice. She’s probably on Tinder already so ye may hook up again that way…

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What’s meant to be is meant to be. Ye’ve been together since ye were 18 or so. It’ll do you both no harm to have a year apart and if there’s something there then ye’ll end up back together and be all the better for it.

If you try to force the issue now she could end up resenting you and things won’t work out anyways.



Close the thread

This doesn’t look good mate, nice of her to let you know you’d get back together in the summer (not nice).
She is calling the shots here so you just have to accept it and move on.
She may/may not come back to you but don’t let her keep you on a string.
Tough situation lad.

Jasus, I thought you were a girl.

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DIdnt some of the posters here give @Copper_pipe advice recently for a romantic night away in Cork? Was this a factor?

Sorry to hear it pal. I’ve been on the receiving end of a few of those chats before, and occasionally it rekindled but didn’t last long

FWIW, I’d advise you sow your wild oats in the interim.

@Copper_pipe were you on recently about heading off abroad? Now’s your chance. No ties or anything to hold you back. Go now and enjoy life on your own terms. see this as a positive thing. Move on and make the most of it.

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Take the break yourself mate. This will seem like the end of the world and can be a disheartening experience (especially as ye are together some 4 years and all that).

However, its what she wants and it’ll stand to you both (whether you’re together or not in time). Only job for you is to make the best of it. Get out and about and not locally - thats bullshit (use Tinder or whatever the fuck). I was rarely home for first few months in Dublin…too much entertainment in the capital. I wish i’d gone to Kilkenny, Cork, London, US more but I didnt have the cash.

Still though, experience of meeting different women, heading to different places, having experiences and getting out and about on your own or with your mates will make you. I was going 22 when i moved up and had a few on-off relationships that break your heart and destroy the monthly shillings. Up until I met Mrs. BeT i enjoyed being free and single most. Go out and knock a few years out of it. If shes the one ye’ll be back together when the time is right.


Best of luck, @Copper_pipe.

Ideally I’d like to read @Horsebox ‘s advice on this quandary.

Fuck one of her friends